Against My Being

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As soon as I walked into first period, one of the emo kids came up to me. I never knew we had the same first period until now. He was one of those shadow kids.

" Hi Alexia," He pushed his hair out of his face and smiled. He was the friendly one.

" Hello," I said. " Are you planning on slamming my locker again?"

He laughed. " No. I'm sorry about yesterday. Aidan has anger problems."

" Aidan?"

" The one who slammed your locker," He said. " You don't know our names do you?"

" I remember Josh. And now I know Aidan. Who are you?" I asked.

" Phillip. The other guy was Carter."

I knew Carter. We went to elementary school together.

" Hi, Phillip," I said. After a brief silence, when he made it clear he wasn't speaking, I asked," Is there anything I can help you with?"

" Yeah! Josh, Carter, Aidan, and I had a meet up yesterday. We wanted you to join our band."

I raised my eyebrow. " Are you guys famous?"

" Not necessarily..."

" What do you want me to do?" I asked, crossing my arms.

" Scream! You have an awesome voice-"

" You guys looked me up on YouTube didn't you?"

He nodded. " We really like your screaming. I personally loved the Props And Mayhem cover. What do you say? Yes or yes?"

I didn't have to think about this. " How about no." And then I shooed him away as class began.

An hour later, I walked into second period. Nothing weird there. Third period began. Anger Issues was in my Spanish class. He approached me.

" Hi Alexia," He said, sitting beside me.

" Hi Anger-Issues."

His lip twitched.

Note to self: don't fuck with this guy.

" Look, I know we got off to a rough start yesterday, but I wanna make it up to you-"

" I'm not joining your band," I said.

He pushed his hair away from his face and raised his eyebrows. " Why not?"

" It's not my thing. I don't want something fun like screaming to turn into an I have to do it thing. Screaming is just a pass time for me, nothing serious nor will it ever be," I said as the Spanish teacher walked in.

" Buenos dias," She said, closing the door a little angrily.

After an awkward third period, the bell rang and I walked off to lunch. Emily was there already.

" What up," She yelled as soon as she saw me.

" Hey," I said dully.

" What's wrong? Is there a guy bothering you?"

" Multiple guys," I said and told her the story about the emo kids pestering me to join their band. Halfway through my story, Innocent Emo kid, Josh, walked up to our table.

" Hi, Emily," He greeted. " Hi Alexia," He chirped and sat beside me.

" I already told your friends, I'm not joining," I groaned.

He laughed silently which would of been cute if I could've see his face. Something told me Josh was the nice and cuddly one.

" Come on 'Lexia. Just us a chance," He said. " Or you'll never know if this is something that makes you happy."

" I already told Aidan that I don't want to be a musician." I said as Emily munched on her sandwich.

" It doesn't have to be a job thing. In fact, I totally agree. When the guys asked me to join, I said no. I'm still pretty effy about the whole thing but I'll give it a shot," He said.

" What do you do? Drum?" I asked.

" I sing. And play guitar," He said. " So how about we do this together? If it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for me."

I considered it. For a brief second, I considered their ridiculous offer.

" Meet us by your locker after school if you wanna try it," He said. " I promise, I'm just as scared as y-"

" I'm not scared," I said flatly.

Emily giggled at my ego getting in the way. So what if I had too much pride?

" Well... I just assumed you were scared since you keep saying no," He said.

" I'm not scared. See you after school," I yelled.

He smiled and left the table, nodding at Aidan, Carter, and Phillip, who high-fived each other.

I turned to face Emily.

" What did I just get myself into?" I groaned, making her laugh. " Tell me one thing, Emily. Do I look like a scene chick to you? The kind with ridiculous eye make-up and torn up gloves?"

" No," She laughed.

" Thank you," I said before tearing into my sandwich.

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