chapter 4 Hershel farm and reunited

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You Clem and Lee head out on the street and you say to the two.

Y/n: I'm going to check up ahead to make sure it's safe.

Lee: Ok but be careful.

Y/n: Always.

You head up ahead and see two people but not undead you ask.

Y/n: Who are you two?

???: I'm Shawn Greene.

???: And I am officer Jenkins.

A/n: I don't remember the officer name in the game if you leave at night so don't hate me ok?

Y/n: Nice to meet you Shawn and Jenkins.

Jenkins: Were you with some people?

Y/n: Yes I told them I would look ahead so it would be safe.

Shawn: That was a good idea but why did you suggest a kid should look ahead?

Y/n: Don't wanna risk too many life's and I can take care of myself.

Jenkins: Let's go to your group.

Y/n: Ok less talk and more getting a move on.

They nodded and you Jenkins and Shawn head to where you left Clem and Lee at you unmount your horse and called for them and they came out.

Clem came to you and hugged you which you gave back.

Lee: Who are these people Y/n?

Y/n: There names are Shawn Greene and officer Jenkins.

Lee: Ok so you any of you have a place for us to stay?
Shawn: Yes it's called Hershel's farm.

Clem: Good let's go.

Then a undead came out and Shawn knew this one and I fell bad for him.

Shawn: What the no Chet!

Jenkins: Let's get that car and get out of here!

Y/n: I'll cover you!

Lee: What no we're not leaving you!

Y/n This is not a discussion and I'll catch up now go!!

You covered them and when you stop hearing the engine of the car you hit the side of the rings and your horse started running eventually you came up on Hershel's farm you unmounted and hitched up your horse and came to the front where Shawn Lee Clem and a man who looked like who owned the farm Clem gave you a quick hug and Lee spoke up.

Lee: So thank you for covering us.

Y/n: Your welcome it's part of my blood.

Shawn: What do you mean " part of your blood"?

Clem: Y/n told me that one of his great grandfather was a gunslinger in the old west.

???: Was this one famous at all.

Y/n: Yes his name was John Marston born 1873 most of his life he did bad things but in 1907 tried to do good until he and his family was betrayed by someone named Ross and my great grandfather was killed in 1911.

Lee: I would not have guess.

???: That was an interesting story.

Y/n: Sorry if I'm rude but who are you?

???: Hershel I run this place.

Y/n: So Hershel have you seen four people come here one 37 year old man, a 32 year old woman, a 19 year old boy and a 14 year old girl?

Hershel: Yes there in the barn.

Y/n: Thank you Hershel.

Hershel: Anytime.

You Clem and Lee walk over to the barn and see you mother father your sister Sadie and your brother Eric and you say.

Y/n: Hey.

They turn around and your dad says.

Dad: Hey Y/n we wonder how long you would get here. and I see you found Clementine and who is this?

He points to Lee.

Y/n: This is Lee I trust him.

They nodded and Clem say.

Clem: Where are we going to sleep?

Eric: I guess in the barn.

Y/n: You guys sleep I'll be scouting ok?

Sadie: You sure Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah one thing is you don't want me pissed off.

Mom: Yeah we get it now go.

With that you go off scouting while the rest go to sleep.

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