chapter 17 the raiders

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(Clem's POV)

It's now the next day and Y/n looking a little bit better than yesterday which is good but I have a feeling something bad is going to happen.

You walk where Y/n is and say.

Clem: He Y/n how you doing?

Y/n: Good feeling better than yesterday.

Clem: That's good but what happened yesterday it's like a horror story.

Y/n: It's ok to be scared

Clem: Yeah I know.

You both walk outside and see Lee and he comes up to you and say.

Lee: Hey Clem, Y/n how are you doing?

Clem & Y/n: We're good.

Lee: That's good I'll be right back I need to check on something.

You both nod and he heads back into motel inn and you see raiders holding everyone and you and Y/n also get held at gunpoint you look up and see someone you wanted dead: Joshua Bell.

Joshua then says.

Joshua: Hello Clementine and Y/n long time no see. How have you been Y/n?

Y/n: Fuck you peice of shit! Hope you fucking burn in hell!!!

Joshua: Simple things like you break Y/n. You are another waste of life. Your great grandfather killed my so I kill you.

Y/n: He only did it because you killed a person that was like a brother to him which is my best friend great grandfather so fuck you and your life.

Joshua got pissed at Y/n and punched him in the stomach at least four times until he stops but before he said something one of the raider was shot in the head before they could react Y/n grabbed his gun and you grabbed yours and shoot some raiders.and Lee said.

Lee: Get to the RV!

You hear a body fall to the ground you turn around and see Sadie on the ground with a bullet in her eye.

(Y/n's POV)

You see Clem look at something and you yell to her.

Y/n: Clem come on!!!

She trys to run to you guys but gets shot in the left eye you yell to Lee.

Y/n: Lee cover me I have to get Clem!

He nods and shoots the raiders and you pick up Clem and run to the RV and put her on the couch and hold her hand and Katjaa checks for a pulse and finds one and Lee yells to Lilly.

Lee: Lilly last chance!

Lee runs back inside the RV and Katjaa is still working on Clem and at the last second Lilly gets inside.

We drive off into the distance to get away from walkers raiders and Joshua.

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