chapter 5 undead attack on Hershel farm and bitten

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It morning and you fell asleep at 4:05 am and you woke up by someone slapped you you jolted up and saw Eric and you said.

Y/n: Were you the one that slapped me?

Eric: Yup you were not waking up so I slapped you look like that woke you up immediately.

Y/n: Yeah no shit sherlock.

Eric: Let's get to the other and you have to meet three more people.

Y/n: What the fuck.

Eric: They swear to so your fine.

Y/n: Yeah let's go meet them

You and Eric walk to the three new people two adults and one kid that looked your and Clem's age you said.

Y/n: Hello.

???: Hey kid who are you?

Y/n: I'm Y/n who are you?

???: I'm Kenny this is Katjaa and Duck.

Y/n: Nice to meet you three.

Kenny: And who is this next to you.

Y/n: This is my 19 year old brother Eric I also have a sister named Sadie along with my mother and father are with Lee Clementine Hershel and Shawn.

Katjaa: let's go then.

You five go to the rest where there at the barn and Clem comes up and hugs you and she ask.

Clem: Where were you?

Y/n: Fell asleep on my ass but only woke up by Eric who slapped me.

Clem: Bet it hurt.

Y/n: Hurt like a bitch it did.

Kenny: I didn't know you swear.

Y/n: Be around me long enough and you will.

Shawn came back with a worry look on his face.

Hershel: What is it son?

Shawn: A lot of undead!

Y/n: Fuck!

Lee: Shit!

Kenny: Fucker!

Shawn: We need people to clear them out.

Y/n/Lee/Kenny: I'll do it.

Shawn: Thank you three honestly.

You three killed walkers and there was only three left and you each kill one and you said.

Y/n: I think that's all of the-

You got cut off by a walker biting into you left arm you took you knife and killed it you stand up and everyone was in horror you looked down at your bitten arm and you say.

Y/n: No,no,no,no,no fucking damnit!

Shawn: What happened?

You show him your bitten arm and he stood there in shock.

Duck: What do we do?

Hershel: There is one of two options either: Kill him or cut off his arm but it's Y/n's choice.

You thought about it and said.

Y/n: Fuck it cut it off.

Hershel and Clem came over Clem grabbed you right hand for comfort and Hershel grabbed an axe and said.

Hershel: You sure you want to do this?

Y/n: Yes I'm sure.

He nodded and swing the axe down three time and chopped off your arm and you scream in pain.

Y/n: Ahhhhh!!!!!

Hershel: It's done, it's done!

Y/n: Thank you.

Hershel: Your welcome oh one more thing I have a prosthetic arm for you.

Y/n: Really?

Hershel: It's the least I can do.

He came out of the house with a prosthetic arm and puts on for you after he's done Kenny asks.

Kenny: Want a ride to Macon?

You Clem Lee your father mother Eric and Sadie nodded yes and you all head to the RV.

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