chapter 35 thru the walkers

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(Y/n's POV)

You Eric Lee Omid Christa and your mother are walking away from the alley way and you all reach an end of the roof and the sign says "Macon" so your right at the entrance to go inside it and across from it you see the place Clem talked about where her parents might be: the marsh house and you say.

Y/n: Ok we're not that far now.

Mary: Good.

Lee: Let's try to get across.

You nod and say to them.

Y/n: I'll go first.

Omid: Be careful.

You start to cross over and same with Lee and your mother and you three get half way through and the sign cracks in half and made it somewhere where you three are somewhat safe and Eric calls out.

Eric: Shit. You guys ok?

Y/n: We're fine just fucked at the moment.

Omid: No shit.

Lee: Any way for us to get to the other building?

Christa: No.

Lee: Shit.

Mary: See any way to still get to the marsh house?

Eric: No unless you three go thru the walkers.

Y/n: Fuck it we're going for it!

Christa: Going for what!?

Lee: To get Clem the fuck out of here!

Omid: Your crazy if you think you can make it thru that herd!

Y/n: Crazy ain't the half of it.

Mary: Meet us outside of the city.

Eric/Omid/Christa: Ok.

You three jump down and made it and you came across walkers in your way  and you whisper.

Y/n (whispers): Oh fuck this is a lot of walkers.

You three were about to go thru them but you step on a glass shard and pick it up and you put pressure from your hand to the glass making you blood oozing down the glass and you pull out your knife and Lee takes out the cleaver he had and your mother takes out her gun and you three start walking towards the walkers.

During the music

You three approach the walkers and some turn around and you kill them right left and center.

You kill one walker by kicking it leg grabbing the head and stab it in the back d the head and drop the walker.

You and Lee made it to two walkers and stab them in the head but didn't kill them  but them Lee swings his cleaver and half decapitates one and you somehow decapitate the walker in front of you and you.

End of music

You three made it to the front of the marsh house covered in walker blood and enter inside.

A/n: If this ain't obvious enough I do not own this song. Also there will be one more of music in two chapters from now at least two chapters. And by the music you could tell this is Armed With Death which I was going to call this title but I'm going to save that until after we get Clem back.

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