chapter 33 attic

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(Y/n's POV)

You all got in the attic away from the walkers and you are in shock and say.

Y/n: Jesus Christ everybody ok?

Ben: At the moment: yes.

Y/n: Eric you ok?

Eric: Yes for now at least.

Y/n: Good.

Lee: This is so fucking fucked.

Mary: No kidding.

Omid: How are we going to get out of here?

Kenny: No fucking idea.

You started to get pissed off and say.

Y/n: We wouldn't be in this fucking situation if that stranger took Clem and knocked me and Lee out!!!

You got so pissed in fact you threw a blunt object at a wall and somehow open it a little bit and you say to them.

Y/n: Hey guys I think I found us a way out of here.

The look at the wall and Eric says.

Eric: Good job little bro.

Y/n: Thanks.

Kenny: When we get these things out we can go find Clem. For now Y/n Lee and Mary you guys take a rest.

Eric: Me Omid Kenny Ben Christa will do this.

You nod and you Mary and Lee sit on one couch while Christa and Omid sits on the other and Mary says.

Mary: We appreciate you guys helping us out never know what we do with our you guys.

Christa: It was the least we could have done.

Lee: Yeah imagine if you both wouldn't have came along.

Omid: You guys would have been fucked.

Y/n: No pun intended.

Mary: I need to tell you both something.

Omid: What is it?

Mary: If I die because of this bite please promise me that you both  including Ben Kenny and to take care of Y/n Eric and when we find Clem take care of them.

Lee/Christa/Omid: You have our word.

Mary: Good.

Eric then says.

Eric: I got it open!

Y/n: Let's go get Clem back and kill this Motherfucking son of a bitch.

Omid: Couldn't have said any better myself.

You all walk thru the gap that Kenny and Eric made.

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