chapter 11 the st. Johns

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(Y/n's POV)

Carley: Back off!

???: We're not here to hurt anyone.

Sadie: You armed?

???: For protection.

???: You never know when these walkers will show up.

Lee: Yeah fair point.

Y/n: So who are you guys?

???: Sorry bout that my name is Andy St. Johns.

???: And I'm Danny St. Johns.

Andy: We have food.

Lee: We are running low on food.

Danny: We have plenty at the dairy farm.

Clem: That's where you both are from?

Andy: Yeah.

Sadie: Let's go.

You all nod and start walking to the dairy farm.

You all made it to the St. Johns dairy farm and someone behind the gate opens it and say.

???: About time you both got back.

Andy: Sorry ma.

Danny: Yeah sorry.

???: Sorry I'm Brenda.

Lee: Nice to meet you.

Lee and Brenda shake hands

Brenda: Now who are all of you?

Lee: Lee.

Ben: Ben

Kenny: I'm Kenny that's Katjaa and that's Duck.

Mom: I'm Mary Y/n Eric and Sadie's mother.

Sadie: I'm Sadie.

Eric: Eric.

Y/n: Y/n.

Clem: Clementine or Clem.

Lilly: Lilly and that's my asshole father Larry.

Doug: Doug.

Carley: Carley.

Mark: Mark.

Brenda: Nice to meet you all if it already obvious this is the St. Johns dairy farm.

Y/n: Almost looks like my house but  the only thing there other than the house was a house stable and a training grounds.

Andy: Interesting like to hear all about it, later but now now got it?

Y/n: Got it.

Everyone goes off in separate directions and Lee comes to you.

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