chapter 13 "this place is a horror"

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(Clem's POV)

It's been an hour since Y/n taught me how to shoot a gun and gave me a holster for my gun.

We waited for Lee Mark and Andy to show back up and when they did we see Mark with an arrow thru his shoulder and Doug says.

Doug: What the fuck happened?

Andy: Raiders.

Y/n: By who?

Andy: Some kid named Joshua Bell.

Your eyes widen and start pacing around and place your hands on the back on your head.

Y/n: Fuck! Shit! Fuck!

Andy: You ok?

Y/n: Me Eric Sadie my mother and Clem know who he is. He is a horrible person.

Andy: What does he want to do?

Y/n: It's simple: Just want to kill me.

Lee: That's why such a grudge against you.

Y/n: Yeah.

Brenda and Danny comes out and Brenda says.

Brenda: What happened?

Andy: Mark got shot in the shoulder.

Brenda: Bring him inside and let's take care of that arrow.

Mark nods and Danny and Brenda go inside with him.

Time skip to dinner.

A/n: This is the only time I'm doing a time skip.

You see Lee leave to wash his hand when he come back he tells what happened to mark and they knock Lee out and you say.

Y/n: You fucker!

You get knocked out as well and the last thing you hear Clem screaming.

This place is a horror.

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