chapter 7 escape the drug store and death

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You and Clem are talking and you know sooner or later the Undead are going to break the doors down.

Eric comes over and say.

Eric: Y/n I need your help

Y/n: What do you need help with?

Eric: To make sure the walkers don't bust in.

Y/n: Name for the Undead?

Eric: Yeah, They are very slow.

Y/n: Like you don't have no fucking idea.

Eric: Have any idea how to make sure the Walkers don't bust in?

Y/n: Yeah board up the windows.

Eric: There already boarded up.

Y/n: Fuck, is there an alternative?

Eric: Not unless we unboard the windows.

You sigh and say.

Y/n: Ok keep them as they are and tell the other about this plan ok?

Eric: Sound Good Y/n I'll check in with you late-

Eric gets cut off  by glass breaking and get a hold of your father and Carley shoots walkers and you father say.

Dad: I need help!!!

Then Carley runs out of ammo and she say.

Carley: I need help there's ammo on the table but I can't reach it!

Lee runs to Carley and give her the ammo.

You run over to your father and before you could reach him he gets pulled out the window and screams until a walker bites his neck and dies and you Sadie Eric and your mother yell.

Y/n/Eric/Sadie/Mom: No!!!!!!!

Lee: We need to go now!

You nodded and everyone got to the RV and headed to a moral to hide out for God knows how long.

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