chapter 32 back to the house

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(Lee's POV)

You Eric Mary and Ben are heading back to the house but before you got inside you see a walker and Eric shots it and when you get inside you all go to the shed and someone is banging on the door and say.

???: Let me out motherfucker!

Sounds like Kenny alright and you remove the object that is keeping the doors shut and you open it and Christa comes to guys and say.

Christa: Oh thank God you're here!

Eric: What happened?

Kenny: We got knocked out and woke up in here and well we found Y/n barely breathing.

Mary: Shit how is he?

Kenny: Well a couple minutes ago his heart stopped Omid's been giving him CPR and let's just say he's coming back but very slowly.

Ben: We're going to need him alive to get Clem.

Christa: C'mon let's see how's he doing.

You six walk over to Omid and Y/n and you put a hand on his shoulder and say.

Lee: Omid.

He looks at you and say.

Omid: Hey Lee.

Lee: How's he doing?

Omid: He'll be fine I guarantee you he'll be fine.

Lee: Good.

Omid gets Y/n breathing and looks up and say.

Y/n: Hey Lee.

Lee: Hey Y/n how are you feeling?

Y/n: Major headache. Not fun.

Y/n stands up and say.

Y/n: I'll be fine though.

Ben: Good, we're going to need all the help we can get.

Walkers are flowing in and Mary yells .

Mary: Back to the house!

You all run inside and everyone but you hold and walkers start to barg in and Y/n says.

Y/n: Lee grab something to cut these walkers fucking arms off!

You look around the kitchen and find a cleaver and cut the walkers off and Christa says.

Christa: I think this is sturdy enough.

Then walkers break the windows and begin flooding in and you say.

Lee: Sturdy my ass!

Y/n: Jesus Christ does this ever end!?

Kenny: No it doesn't!

You all made it to a hallway and Kenny ask.

Kenny: How many bullets do you all got?

Omid: Two.

Christa: Three.

Mary: Four.

Lee: Six.

Ben: One.

Eric: Three.

Y/n: Twelve.

Kenny: Y'all know where to aim.

You all shoot the walkers and Kenny says.

Kenny: I'm out!

Ben: Me too!

Christa: Same!

Omid: Same here!

Eric: Out of bullets!

Mary: I'm also out!

Lee: Same!

Y/n: I still have one clip of bullets left!

You pull down the attic and you all run up and pull up the ladder as well.

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