chapter 14 escape

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(Clem's POV)

You Sadie Kenny Lilly Larry are thrown into a meat locker along with an unconscious Y/n and Lee.

You run to Lee and Sadie runs to Y/n.

You shake Lee enough where he wakes up and say.

Lee: Ahh what happened?

Kenny: You got knocked out but only for a little while.

Lee: Is Y/n ok?

You look over to Sadie and she shakes her head no and you turn back to Lee and say.

Clem: No still knocked out cold.

Lee: Fuck.

Kenny: We need to find a way it of here they have my family.

Sadie: Along with my mother and older brother.

She looks back down to Y/n and strokes his forehead and say sadly.

Sadie: Please.... wake up.

A couple of minutes after she said that he starts shifting and wakes up but hold his head in pain and say.

Y/n: God fucking damn.

Clem: You alright?

Y/n: I'm not sure Clem. My head hurts alot. I might need to lay down for a little while.

Y/n lay down and start to go to sleep and you say.

Clem: Have any idea how to get out of here?

Lee: There a vent we could use.

Clem: I could use it to open it from the other side.

Lee: Ok but be careful.

You nod and got up into the vent and when you exit you grabbed keys and unlock the door and Lee says.

Lee: Good job.

Clem: Thanks.

You see Y/n up again but looking a little bit better and he says.

Y/n: Let's go get Eric mom and Kenny's family back.

Clem: They shouldn't have messed with us.

Sadie: Damn right.

You all walk out of the meat locker.

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