chapter 20 the train

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You wake up by Eric shaking you and he says.

Eric: We found a train so we're leaving the RV so take what you need and get on the train.

Y/n: Ok but you got Clem on the train?

Eric: Yeah everyone is there waiting for you and we met a guy named Chuck so hurry up.

He exits the RV and you grabbed your backpack and walked outside and saw the train and hopped on and you say.

Y/n: Ok where are we heading exactly?

Mary: Not entirely sure.

Lee: You have a place in mind?

Y/n: Yeah actually you know how Clem said her parents are in Savannah?

Lee: Yeah.

Y/n: We can go there and try and find them for her.

Mary: It's a start of an idea.

Eric: And it's the only one we have.

Y/n: So who's driving the train? And tell them where we are heading.

Eric: Kenny driving and I'll tell him.

Y/n: Ok go tell him.

Lee: How are you holding up after yesterday?

Y/n: To be honest: really wish it didn't happened.

Lee: Don't we all.

Y/n: Where's Clem?

Lee: Over there.

He points where Clem is and you walk over to her and lay her down on your lap and stroke her forehead softly and say.

Y/n: Hope you wake up soon.

You feel the train start moving and a guy comes to you and say.

???: Who are you kid?

Y/n: Name's Y/n and this is Clem.

???: Nice to meet you Y/n I'm Chuck.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Chuck.

Chuck: Question: How did she lose her eye?

You look at Clem then to Chuck.

Y/n: Bullet to the eye trying to protect us.

Chuck: Brave girl.

Y/n: She's also my best friend.

Chuck: Sorry to see you friend this and that she went thru that.

Y/n: Thanks and nice meeting you Chuck.

Chuck: You too Y/n. You too.

He walks away and you suddenly feel the train come to a stop and Lee comes to you and you ask.

Y/n: What's going on?

Lee: Duck is getting to sick and he has to be put down.

Y/n: I understand.

Lee: Kenny and Katjaa are going out to make sure he don't turn.

Before you could say anything you hear a gunshot and Kenny screaming "No" and Lee says to you.

Lee: Stay here!

You nod and Lee runs into the woods where the gunshot went off.

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