chapter 37 epilogue: Last moments

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(Y/n's POV)

You Lee and your mother had found Clem and now trying to find a way out of here not to mention you Lee and your mother are covered in walker blood which smells horrible and you go to Clem and say.

Y/n: Clem you alright?

Clem: Yeah I'm glad your here.

You hug her and then notice she doesn't have a bandage on her eye and you ask.

Y/n: Clem where the bandage for your eye?

Clem: Gone.

Y/n: It ok let's got to Lee and my mom.

She nods and Lee come towards you both and say.

Lee: Come here you two.

You go over to Lee and to the dead stranger with the chest cut open and you can see the guts and blood and Lee says to Clem.

Lee: Clem come here for a minute.

She goes to Lee but you know what's he's doing try to hide Clem with walker guts and blood after a few seconds Clem's covered in guts and blood and Lee gives Clem her hat and comes to you and say.

Lee: You and Clem stay close to me and your mother.

You nod and you four go outside and Mary says.

Mary: Both of you stay calm and follow us slowly.

You both nod and started you four started walking and you guys walked for a bit then you see Clem look at two walkers what you assumed were her parents and you put your hand on her shoulder and say.

Y/n: I'm sorry Clem.

She nods her head and your mother say.

Mary: Clem come o-

Your mother pass out and you Lee and Clem got her into a building and you ask Lee.

Y/n: Lee why did she pass out?

Lee: I can't keep this a secret anymore.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Lee: We were both bitten looking for you both you brother and Ben cut off my arm then cut off your mother's arm but she was passed out so pail skin and yellow eyes means she's turning.

Y/n: Oh Jesus.

Clem: Of my God.

Then your mother woke up and you hugged her and she says.

Mary: It's ok.

Y/n: Let's try to get out of here.

You mother stand up slowly and walk against a counter and started walking and halfway through she falls and you and Clem ask.

Y/n/Clem: You ok?

Mary: I'm fine.

She stands up again when we get to the edge of the counter she falls next to a radiator and she look weak sick pail and bloody and you say.

Y/n: Try to get up.

She trys to stand with help from the wall but can't and you say.

Y/n: Please try to get up.

She trys again but fails again and says to you.

Mary: I can't, this is the end for me Y/n.

Y/n: Please you can't do this to me we been thru to much we lost dad Sadie now you? It too much now Eric and me are the last of our bloodline.

She looks over to the walker which is a cop and looks to the ground where there's handcuffs and say to you.

Mary: Y/n there's handcuffs on the ground I want you to grab them and cuff me to this radiator.

You sigh then nod and went over to the office and grabbed the handcuffs and put the on end on your mother's hand then cuffed the radiator and she says.

Mary: Clem see the officers gun and keys?

Clem: Yeah?

Mary: Grab them.

She goes over and grab the gun and keys and you go over and kill the walker and Mary says to Lee.

Mary: Lee look over my boys.

Lee: I'll try so damn hard for you and Y/n's father.

Mary: He looks up to you like your his actual father.

Lee nods then she says to Clem.

Mary: Clem be brave honey.

Clem: I will.

Mary: And keep your hair short.

Clem: I will I'll have Lee or Y/n do it.

Mary: Good girl.

You go towards your mother with now tears down your face and she says weakly.

Mary: Y/n stay the fuck out of cities.

Y/n: I will me Clem and Lee will now what choice so we have?

Mary: There's either two choices.

Y/n: Either kill you before you turn or leave you and you turn into a walker.

She thinks about it for a minute and say when she has her answer.

Mary: I want you to shoot me.

You are speechless and wide eyed but you know it has to be done.and say.

Y/n: Ok I'll do it.

During the music

You stand up and before you pull out your gun your mother says very weakly.

Mary (weakly): I love you so much Y/n me and your father do so much never forget that.

(You will never forget her final words and final request)

You pull out your gun with shaky hands and she says.

Mary (weakly): It's ok Y/n it's ok.

You nod struggling to pull the trigger to put your mother down and Clem puts her hand on your shoulder and says.

Clem: Your strong you know this and you have to do this it will be alright.

You nod and after a few more seconds of hesitation you shoot her and you look down and no one says anything and you all get out of this building.

End of music

Sometime later after you shot your mother you Lee and Clem are out of Savannah and out in the open and you see a log and sit down on it and you sigh wish your mom dad and sister was still alive and this thing never happened but a part of you is glad this had happened cause if it didn't you would meet the people that are now dead but now you know you have to survive with Clem Lee Eric Omid and Christa.

Then you see three people on a hill on the horizon and say to Lee and Clem.

Y/n: Let's go see who it is.

The nod and you three get up going to see the people on that hill.

End of season 1

A/n: If it ain't obvious I do not own this song.

A/n: Thank God even though this was bad I hoped you guys liked it and if you did read my season 2 rewrite you already knew Kenny Lee and Ben was going to survive and now I'll be going back to my season 3 and 4 book and with Aftermath and I really really hoped you liked this book and see you in the next chapter of season 3 and 4 book or the Aftermath book.

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