chapter 6 the drug store

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You Clem Lee Eric Sadie Kenny Katjaa Duck your mother and father are in the RV and you look at your arm and sigh and shake your head and say.

Y/n: Damn it's going to take time to get used to this.

Clem: Yeah but it's worth it.

Lee: Yeah Y/n at least your alive.

Y/n Yeah but it's going to take time to get used to the prosthetic arm though.

Eric: Yeah but I wish limbs grew back.

Y/n: Your not the only one.

You hear the RV stop and you all got out and Kenny asked a person he saw but saw it as a undead and the undead surrounded us and you pulled out you pistol and shot incoming undead until two people came out and said too you guys.

???: Get inside!

You all got inside there was two angry people and the girl said.

???: What the fuck Glenn and Carley!?!

Glenn: Did you want innocent people to die!?

Carley: Grow a sense of humanity Lilly!

Lilly: Those things out there don't care!

Sadie: Then go join them you two seem you have something in common.

Lilly: Fuck off!

???: Calm down Lilly!

Lilly: Fuck off!!!

Y/n: Shut the damn fuck up!

???: You shut up asshole!

Y/n: You shut up motherfucker!

???: Damn you!

Y/n: Damn us both!

The angry old person got so pissed at you he punched you and knocked you out.

(Clem's POV)

You saw Y/n and and angry guy arguing and the guy got pissed and knocked Y/n out you were shocked and Lee and Kenny said.

Kenny: You motherfucker!

Lee: You asshole!

Eric: I'm going to fucking kill you!!!!

Glenn: What the fuck Larry!?

Larry: He kept swearing at me!

Carley: That's doesn't give you a right to knock him out!

Clem: Why did you do that?

Larry: He was sweating at me!

Clem: He been through hell in the last 12 hours.

Glenn: What do you mean?

Clem: He lost his left arm by an undead and had to cut it off but someone gave him a prosthetic left arm.

Carley: So he been through hell got it.

Eric: Bit by one of those things but cut it off.

Glenn: What you call those things?

Clem: Undead.

Lee: What do you call them?

Carley: Walkers.

Kenny: Make sense actually there slow and dumb.

Lilly: Yeah basically that's why we call them walkers.

Y/n's mom: Well we're gonna need to find a way out of here.

Sadie: No kidding.

You see Y/n starting to wake up and ask.

Y/n: Why am I the one that's always get knocked out?

(Y/n's POV)

You wake up and say.

Y/n: Why am I the one that's always get knocked out?

???: Maybe luck isn't always on your side.

Y/n: Sorry who are you?

???: Doug.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Doug but where's that asshole who knocked me out?

Doug: Larry, yeah sorry about him he can be an asshole a lot of times.

Y/n: So can I.

Larry comes over and saids.

Larry: Sorry about earlier I was out of line.

Y/n: So was I call it even?

Larry: Call it even.

With that you all do your separate things.

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