chapter 8 three months later

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(Clem's POV)

It been three months since the drug store and since Y/n's dad died in front of him and he is still grieving about his father all of us tried our best so he could get over it but nothing worked.

You hate seeing your best friend like this and you went to go see him but you are stopped by Sadie and she says.

Sadie: Hey Clem where are you going?

Clem: I'm going to try to cheer Y/n up again to get him over his death of his father.

Sadie: Me and Eric got over it, it's time that's he gets over it as well.

Clem: Yeah, you going anywhere?

Sadie: Yeah I'm going with Lee and Kenny to scout around for anything.

Clem: See you when you get back?

Sadie: See you when you when I get back, and cheer up Y/n.

Clem: Will do.

You walk away and go to Y/n's room and see twisting and turning in bed so you decide to wake him up.

You slightly shake him and you say.

Clem: Y/n wake up, just wake up.

He wakes up and hold his and say.

Y/n: God damnit.

Clem: Nightmare again?

Y/n: Yeah.

Clem: Was it about your father again?

Y/n nods yes.

Clem: We're all here to comfort you, Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, I know. I can't just shake the nightmares of him dieing over again knowing I could have pulled out my gun and shoot the walkers that had him and he could be alive right now if I wasn't a scared little boy!

Clem: We were all scared, we all froze but that doesn't change the fact that you tried.

Clem: So keep fighting your father would want you to.

Y/n: Your right I'll keep fighting, keep picking myself back up.

Clem: Good, now let's go downstari-

You were cut off by someone yelling from the front gates.

???: We have two people wounded!

Clementine x male reader season 1Where stories live. Discover now