chapter two - familiar temptations

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"Professor Hobbs. Where are we going today for our class ?" Hobbs was my teacher to help me learn about the understanding of the world i began rulling.

Even though i have claimed my throne i am mainly hidden in the castle wall incase someone will rebel against the prophecy, try and take my life. Even though it would take some time, rebelling against a reaper.

"Im afraid my lady, i will not to be taking you for class today. Instead someone else has requested you." He gestured out the way for me which led through a row in the gardens.

"I hope you havent forgotten what i learned you." He gave me a warming smile and with that i turned away and picked up my speed.

The palms of my hand brushed against the leaves of the flower bushes, my hair flowing in with the breeze. Once i looked over my shoulder the green bushes were covered in many different flowers in even more colours.

For some unknown reason i was able to control all four elements unlike other Travellers. But im sure you will hear the story some other time.

"Bubbles !" I continued running once i caught sight of Mr.Frost who was waiting by the back frozen lake.

"My lady that nickname is very embarresing for my title." He always gave out about the nickname ruining hes reputation.

He followed walking after me with Sirena flying over head just for extra protection, of course i could protect myself in emergencys but you never know what kind of maniac is running around.

"Does he still visit ? The house i mean ?" After i left i got Nathaniel ( Bubbles ) to check up on Death, where he found out Death came to my old house every night and sat at the old swings gazing into the woods.

"Yes he does. Still every night for the past two years." I smiled studying Nathaniels features when my gaze switched to hes lips.

Yes we were bonded as he was the first born son of the royalty. Not related dont worry.

But nothing has ever happened between us apart from the unique friendship we carried for many years and both of our first kiss. At that moment alone watching him speak gave me a familiar temptation of wanting to taste hes lips once more.

"I do have a letter i was asked to personally deliver. You might want to read this as soon as you are alone." He's serious expression made my blood run cold as it ment nothing good was written in that letter.

As i stared deeply at that pale blue envelope i hadnt realised Nathaniel stepped closer to me, resting hes hand on my cheek.

"Also, Happy Birthday my Princess." With that my temptations were fulfild with my own personal Jack Frost.

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