chapter twenty five - Underworld

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"You have to be prepared incase your water blood will act up and turn into a sirene. The transformation js indeed painful, all your bones will crack and fire will rise inside you. But your beauty will highten and your voice will be beyond beautiful and seductive.

Your nature will be to drag sailors under water and take their last breaths away. One day after hundreds of years when you die your sirene sisters will call upon you and take you away.

If someone else caused your death they will take revenge and if you fall sick they will take you to their own homes and guide you to your health."

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The words echoed through my ears, comfort surrounding all around my body. Feeling my body moving forward in something like a water curreny, my eyes fluttering open to see my golden and purple tail waving up and down to the water.

"You are awake sister." A soft voice spoke by my side, coming from a beautiful blonde woman that made my breathing stop.

Her eyes were a vibrant turqious, tanned glowing skin and long golden hair. Her curves stood out, blending into a royal blue tail with a matching gem necklace hanging loose around her neck.

"Please come my dear. You are in the underworld, you have been taken in to clear your health from the poisen." I tuned in to look around.

Coral reefs decorated by multi coloured flowers and plants, fish circling all around it. Underwater houses placed evenly all over the oceans floors, sirenes and mermen swam in all directions.

"P-poisened ?" I stuttered out still in a daze from the beauty of everything surrounding me.

"Yes my princess, the man of evil set poisen into your blood but you fought it bravely." Her words were almost elegant, so calm.

"Come to the castle, people are awaiting you." She chuckled before leading me to the top of the coral reef.

Soon a ocean blue castle came into view and others cheers filled my ears before seeing crowds of people looking our direction making a pathway straight down the middle.

"Our Princess was attacked my evil and fought bravely to save all of our worlds, she was thrown into the deep end by another who wanted her life.

Today we hold a celebration on behalf of our sisters bravery and dedication to her people." I soon realised this was the underworld of the water kingdom.

The woman was the elder queen Oceana who ruled over all the sirenes and mermen. She led me through the pathway inbetween all people, her words boomed through the waters.

"As i sign of her bravery we, people of sirenes give you this tiara as a sign of our appreciation. Your mother would be truly proud of you on this day, my young child.

We also give poar life back into your baby. Please take care, she will do wonderful things." Before i knew it we were at the very top as i bowed down before her, resting a silver blue tiara ontop of my head.

"We will await for your return one day. Take this day as a faded memory that you will once unravel."

The image faded before me, my fingers curling against a soft material my back arching backwards. My soft strands of hair slowly slid of my shoulders hearing movement to my side.

"Sshh stop its alright baby." A voice cracked through the room, filled with hurt and struggle. As if they have been holding me down and watching me in pain for several days.

Sudden bloodlust washed over me and my fangs sprung out instead of my teeth shooting forward at the person over me. I could hear the blood circling and flowing through their body making my mouth water.

Pressing my fangs down, i broke through the skin liquid quickly seeping inbetween my teeth soon realising it was blood giving me satisfaction.

An uncomfortable and painful groan swiftly passed me ears before my eyes fluttered open adjusting to the lighting, the outline of a face appearing infront of me. Death's face cleared out hes black hair grew out, hes usual burning emerald eyes were dull and empty.

Hes face was pale almost sick looking, the dark bags under hes eyes adding the sick feel to him. He howered over me still pinning down my shoulders.

"You're awake.."

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