chapter eight - heart leap

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Taking in a large inhale of the sea air i smiled to myself, that we were finally on sail. The crew worked hard the past couple of days, might all look scary and fierce but once you get to know them, they are a wonderful company.

Archie is not only our main man and second in hand but also kind of a proffessor. He travelled alot and seen even more so hes got some knowledge.

"Aye pretty boy. This is not titanic." Marcus has been the center of attention, to be made fun of.

"Careful aye mermaid might drag ya down." He rolled hes eyes in annoyance, ignoring all our comments.

I sat alot of my days in my deck room looking through maps and then just thinking about Nathaniel. God hes going to kill me once i get back, he must of set the whole castle under ice..

"Captain ! I hope you control the element of water cause we sure to hell need it now." I hadnt noticed the rough swaying of the ship until one of the sailors barged in.

Running out on deck to see waves splashing inside, men hurrying around trying to take control. We sailed straight into the godamm storm !

"Secure the weapons and equipment ! Shield the fresh water ! Make sure no one and nothing goes over board !" My voice boomed across the boat as i tightly held onto the railing stepped down to the middle.

"Ariel !" My name made my ears perk up and look around, but only to be met by more waves and two large ones coming on both our side.

Raising my two arms ice travelled along them stopping them from crashing down on us but i couldnt hold on forever, we needed to get out. I ran out jumping over the railing, using the air to raise myself higher Sirena swooping under me.

Flying above the rough storm we stared down at our ship rocking back and forth waves crashing over its sides. Sirena let out a dominant roar before flying back down as i balanced on the crook of her neck, swaying my arms to take control of the wind. Pushing away the crashing waves out of our way.

"Sirena how far before we get out ?"

"Not long. But hurry."

I swung my legs over her, jumping back down to meet the wooden deck.

Sirena had been flying above us for most of the time to keep and eye out and mainly for safety. Climbing around the many men on the quickly swaying boat i met the highest point of the boat. My arms moved swiftly the wind picking up speed, sending the boat rapidly forward.

Once we were out i jumped down only to have the whole crew staring at me.

"Ya controled two elements girl !"

"I-I control.. all four." Rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly they demanded a explanation and their reaction ?

"I didnt think a girl from a castle would have the nuts to control a boat full of pirates ! Rum for everyone !" Sirena peacefully landed on ground after the explanation and has been sleeping ever since.

The coolness seeped through the thin fabric of my white gown as i kneeled before her, the night already fallen and everyone asleep after the sudden storm.

The cold presence made my skin crawl and my eyebrows burrow together, the slight burning sensation on my chest increased and i got a familiar heart leap and a stomach flip.

"So we meet again, my little mermaid."

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