Arriving home and more arguing

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Phoebes P.O.V

I woke up to Jack shaking me. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I mumbled. "Were landing now! I didnt want anything!" He snarled. "You're brother made me wake you, but I would have just left you here!" He added standing up and walking down the aisle. I felt a little bit hurt by what he said but I shrugged it off! If he wants to start arguing with me now...bring it on! Two can play that game😈.

As soon as I got home I ran up to my mum and hugged her and didn't let go. I did the same with my dad. Oh how I had missed them! Everyone came back around to my house for a while and my mum and dad went shopping so we could all spend time together.

Everyone had been here for about an hour and my parents still weren't back so we decided to play 'would you rather'.

"Lauren would you rather live in a haunted house with Toby off pretty little liars while the police thought he murdered Ali or be stalked by 'A' just like it is on pretty little liars." I asked her and her eyes widened.

"Live in a haunted house with Toby, because he might learn to like me a bit!" She laughed. "No he won't, living with you! He'd proberly run away from you!" My brother said and she playfully slapped him. I can tell they like each other!!

Half way through the game, I got up to get a drink and Jack followed me😒. Nobody knows that we are arguing so I guess they thought we were coming out here for the fun of it.

"Listen Phoebe, I was just trying to be nice to that girl, it wasn't what it looked like!" He whispered. "Oh yeah, so being nice to someone is more important than me?" I turned around and glared at him.

"No you don't understand!" He said. " "What you don't think I understand when I see someone flirting with he boy I love , then she makes things up about me and I watched you just sit there and smile! How could you?" I yelled at him!

"I'm really sorry! If I would have answered her back, she would have spread hate about me all over the internet!" He went to grab my hand but I pushed him away.

"SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHO YOU WAS! AND ALL OF A SUDDEN, YOUR FAME IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME? BECAUSE...if that's the kind of boy you want to be, you're not the kind of boy I want to date!" I said crying.

"PHOEBE I AM NOT LIKE THAT!" He yelled. "Oh yeah? Because that's what you're acting like!" I said in disgust as I grabbed by jacket and barged past him and out the door.

It was 6:00pm and I didn't know what to do, or where to go! I just know that I'm NOT going back to that house until he's gone!

I thought he really liked me😭...

My brothers best friend (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now