'The date'

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Phoebes P.O.V

I got changed into my pink penguin onsie🐧. I left my hair curled and replaced my heels with my slippers. I grabbed my phone and loads of food and walked to Jacks room.

He opened the door in this tiger onsie🐯😂. I laughed at him and he closed the door in my face. I laughed even more and knocked on the door. He opened it, smiled and let me in.

I walked I got the living room and saw a bunch of DVDs. Instantly I got excited, not just to watch them but to be with Jack😍. There was loads of blankets and pillows on the pull out sofa-bed.

"I just need to get the food from the kitchen, get yourself comfy!" He smiled at me and walked away.

Instead I hid behind the couch with a pillow and waited for mpg I'm to return. After 5 minutes, Jack came back with the food and he looked confused when he saw I wasn't there.

"Phoebe? Where are you Phoebs?" He called out. When he turned around, I shot up and hit him across the head with the pillow!

He turned around and looked angry. "Oh you are so dead!" He said trying not to laugh.

We had a pillow fight for like the next half an hour but then we settled down to watch The Maze Runner! Half way through the 3rd movie which was Mean Girls 2, it was 1AM in nhe morning and I started to get tired. I put my head on Jacks shoulder and started to feel sleepy.

"Go to sleep Phoebs!" Jack said to me. I snuggled further into him and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up lying next to someone. It was Jack. All the memories from last night flooded back and I started smiling to myself. I bit my lip and looked at Jack. He's so cute and handsome😍 I can't believe Jack hasn't ever introduced me to him. I continued to look at him.

"Like what you see?" Jack said without opening his eyes, which really scared me so I fell out of the bed. I whacked my head on the floor and burst out laughing. For some reason, when I'm nervous I laugh, I don't go red, I laugh😂?! Jack looked over at me with worried eyes.

"Hahahaha! You're an idiot!" He suddenly burst out laughing. I got back in bed and we just talked for ages. Jack made me pancakes for breakfast and we watched movies all day.

I could be with Jack every single second of every single day and not get bored! He's such an amazing person.

Later that night, we were all going out for dinner and I went back to my room to get changed. As soon as I walked in, I was crowded with questions...

My brothers best friend (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now