Author's Note

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okay, i'm not black, but i actually have a lot to say about the whole George Floyd situation.

if you don't know what happened here's a summary:

a black man by the name of George Floyd, allegedly wrote a bad check and was accused of forgery. he didn't resist arrest, according to new found evidence (i think), but the cop who was arresting him, had him pinned down to the ground with his knee to Floyd's neck.

people started recording at this point.

Floyd kept saying, "i can't breathe." but the cop did not remove his knee from Floyd's neck.

people were telling the cops to check Floyd's pulse as he lied there motionless, and was no longer informing the cop above him that he couldn't breathe; but they didn't check his pulse, and Floyd died. under the knee of a cop.

that's all i know of the story, if you would like to know more, please look it up.

my mom said: "you don't know the whole story."

i got pissed. now, i didn't act like it. but i was.

she was all like: you don't know if he was resisting arrest... blah blah blah.

and i'm thinking to myself, "bitch, even if that is true, he didn't deserve to die for it."

she was like, "the cop with white, right?"

i said yes.

"of course he was." she rolled her eyes.

i love my mom but she gets on my last nerve sometimes.

i'm not black, but i see you.
i'm not black, but i hear you.
i'm not black, but i mourn for you.
i'm not black, but i will fight for you.

Jace Norman Imagines & Crap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now