Purposly Failed

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I woke up due to my alarm,I tossed to the other side and turned off my alarm

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I woke up due to my alarm,I tossed to the other side and turned off my alarm.I got up and headed to the restroom.
Hi,my name is Park Y/N,i have 2 siblings,Park Jisung(younger twin brother) and Park Chanyeol,my dad left my mom for someone richer and took all the money we had with him so now my mom works as a maid for the Lee family,they are very rich and my mom gets paid very good and my older brother Chanyeol works as a barista.,while me and Jisung are about to graduate the 10th grade.

15 minutes later I was done and came out wearing this.

15 minutes later I was done and came out wearing this

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Then I head out to go eat something.There wasn't really much to eat and i cared more about my brothers then myself so i just got a granola bar and ate it,then i hear my brother coming from his room.
Jisung:Noona lets go or else were gonna be late!"
He said while tucking in his shirt and grabbing a granola bar before putting on his shoes and waiting for me by the door.
I said and ran towards him and bending down to put on my shoes before leaving with him.
We walked to school since it was only 5 minutes away from where we live and as soon as we arrived Jisung left me for his friends while I just sighed and walked in the school building.As i was getting my books,I feel 2 arms snaking their arms around me.
Y/N:Yah Jessi how many time do I have to tell you to stop doing that!?"
She just smiled at me

Jessi:Im sorry but you know i like giving you back hugs"This is Jessi my only friend since the 6th grade,shes been with me through thick and thin,she's my only best friend and I would do anything for her

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Jessi:Im sorry but you know i like giving you back hugs"
This is Jessi my only friend since the 6th grade,shes been with me through thick and thin,she's my only best friend and I would do anything for her.We are now in 10th grade and she still with me,she purposely failed the 11th grade just to be by my side,yes she is supposed to be 1 grade ahead of me because,her dad decided to beg the principle to let her be ahead of anyone witch the principle agreed to in the end and moved her away from me but she purposely failed to stay with me.
Y/N:ya whatever-"
I got cut off due to the bell ringing indicating its time to go to class,luckily me and jessi have all of our classes the same.We are the "nerds" of the school according to the school's play boy/popular boy/my bully/my crush.I have had a crush on him since the 9th grade,a full year and all he does is bully me.We got in our classroom we saw the my bully and his slut making out,me and jessi just ignored them and sat down at our seats witch are at the back of the classroom.I saw how when they got done kissing,she whispered something to his ear was about to come up to us but then all the kids started coming in,filling up the classroom in seconds,and 5 seconds later the teacher came in.
~Time Skip~
~1 hour later~
Mr.Kim:Ok class,that's it for today! Remember you guys have homework and its turned it tomorrow,okay?"
Then everyone packed up and left to their next class.I was still packing up and jessi was waiting for me by the door then i got up and walked towards her but as I was walking my bully's girlfriend stook her foot out and tripped me.

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