Jimin:I thought you weren't going Jessi? What happen? You fucked your dad to let you? Oh wait he left you!" She said and started laughing along with Yuna.Ooo how much I wanna break these bitch's neck! If only Y/N was here but she's to busy with Lee Know.I just inhaled and gripped on my bags,I then feel a hand on my shoulder,I thought it was CL since she was behind me Jessi:CL let me go,I am calm." I heard no reply so I turned around and boom. ???:Jessi,what's wrong? You okay?" Oop definitely didn't expect that. Jessi:J-jay park?" End Of Jessi P.O.V Y/N P.O.V Lee Know:Y/Nahhhhh~ are you still mad at me?" Uggh he's so annoying,he's been asking me the same question over and over ever since we left the girls. Y/N:No Minho I'm not,I'm just annoyed!" I finally responded, I then felt 2 arms wrap around my waist,I felt how my body stiffened,I then slowly turned around to face him but his arms tighten not letting me go. Y/N:Let me-" Minho:I'm sorry,please forgive me," Y/N:Ok,I forgive you! Now let me go!" He just nodded and I took a quick glance towards where Jisung was and saw how he was just looking at me.
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I sighed while looking the other side...i knew what that look meant,he would always give me that look when a boy would be around so he would basically tell me *Owuh gets sum* with just a look.I then mentally shake my head when suddenly the teacher starts doing a head count. Teacher:23...24....25! Ok all here!" She yelled at the bus driver and he let us come in. Bus driver:No No No,it's boy,girl order,you 2 can not sit together" He yelled at Yuna and Jimin.I saw how Yuna whispered something to Jimin and then Yuna grabbed the water bottle from Jimin's hand and opened it,I knew what was gonna happen so I reacted quickly. Y/N:Don't.Even.Think.About.It" I said as held Yuna's wrist tightly. She gave me a death glare indicating to let go but i hesitated. Jimin:Yah! Let her go!" I let go of Yuna but with my other free hand,I grabbed the water bottle. Y/N:So,are you guys gonna move? Or would you guys like me to throw water on y'all?"