Truly Lost

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Y/N:Hello sir but I have to go now!"
???:Oh ok,sorry,by the way my name is Lee Taeyong"
Y/N:Oh well nice to meet you Taeyong my name is Y/N! but I have to go"
I said and walked to the driver's side and took off to the house.
End Of Y/N P.O.V
Taeyong P.O.V
Y/N? Isn't that the girl CL Noona is always talking about? Or could it be someone else? But CL Noona doesn't like people that smoke,whatever it might someone else! I just got in my car and took off to our house.
End Of Taeyong P.O.V
~10 minutes later~
I arrived home and walked towards the front door while smoke came out from mouth and nose.I then open the door just to see a worried Chanyeol.
Chanyeol:About time Park Y/N! Where have you been? Do you know what time it is!?"
I nodded before answering him
Y/N:9:25pm,so what?"
I walked inside and go up to my room,as I was about to turn the knob over,I hear some weird noises from across the hall and as I was about to go check it out Chanyeol stood in front of me with nervous look..
Chanyeol:Hey umm are you hungry? I came make you something to eat."
My gaze went from a normal one to a cold one,I stood their,quite until I heard.
???:Ahh yes JIsung faster!"
I look straight towards Jisung door and ran towards it,Chanyeol in the other hand couldn't stop me because he ran to slow....I was about to open Jisung doors until I heard something that made me wanna cry so bad.
???:Wait but what if your sister finds out about us..?"
Jisung:Sister? I don't have a sister"
???:Oh but I thought Y/N was-"
Jisung:No she is my cousin,now lets continue"
My jaw fell open and so did Chanyeol's who was standing right next to me,I then pulled out my wax pen and inhaled it right in front of Chanyeol witch wasn't a good idea
I quickly covered his mouth and took him to my room insead of the living room since I didn't want either of them 2 to hear.When we arrived at my room,I closed the door and started talking with Chanyeol.
Y/N:So you did know what Jisung was doing all along,huh?"
I said and scoffed while he just sighed and looked down
Chanyeol:Look im sorry,ok?! I know I should have told you a lot earlier but-"
Y/N:How long has this been going on?"
Chanyeol:*sigh* Ever since 10th grade started"
Y/N:So your telling me,that kid has been sending nudes to random girls?! AND he's been sleeping with Yuna?!"
Chanyeol sighed and nodded
End Of Your P.O.V
Author P.O.V
While the 2 older siblings were arguing,they obviously didn't know the younger sibling was behind the door listening to their conversation it was then when he realized he truly lost his only sister.He told the girl he was with now to leave not that long ago so once she left he put on his clothes and ran to his sisters room.
End Of Author P.O.V
Back to Y/N P.O.V
Y/N:You know what! Im moving out this house!"
I said and started to get my suitcases and fill them up with clothes,bras,underwear,make-up,etc..
Chanyeol:WHAT!? Y/N no! We just moved in yesterday!"

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