Jisung:What do you want Yuna?" Yuna:Oppa why are you with this ugly bitch?!" CL:ME? UGLY!? THAT'S ALL YOU!!" Jisung:Noona calm down! People are sleeping!" CL:I don't care!" As they continue bickering,I go and wake up Y/N noona. Jisung:Noona??" No response I then remember she has her ear buds plugged in so I removed the one on her left side and tap her again. Jisung:Noona?" Y/N:Yes?" Jisung:CL is about to throw hands with Yuna" She sat up straight and removed her other ear bud and asked me. Y/N:Where is she??!" I pointed towards the back and she quickly got up and ran towards the scene. End Of Jisung P.O.V Y/N P.O.V Right when he said,"CL" and "Fight",I already knew that Yuna was gonna leave the plane with a good 3 broken bones and her body filled with bruises.I then arrived where they were at and I see CL walking up to Yuna,ready to swing. Y/N:LEE CHAERIN!" As soon as she heard me call her name,she quickly turned around and stopped in her tracks.I then raise my eyebrows at her before looking at Yuna. Yuna:You got saved now bitch! But next time I will get you!" Those where her last words before going the other side and leaving,I then sighed and look at CL. Y/N:Girl forget her,let's go" She nodded and she followed me out. CL:Oh and Y/N?" I turned around and looked at her. Y/N:Yeah?" CL:I just wanna apologise,for you know? Making you not forgive your brother...?" I then slightly smile at her and opened my arms for a hug witch she quickly accepted,I then pulled away and told her to go get some rest,she nodded and went back to her seat while I did the same. Y/N:Jisungie,why weren't you sleeping?" Jisung:I couldn't sleep noona" I nodded and made him lay down on my left shoulder (For those who don't understand how you guys are sitting,here you go)
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I then played with his hair until he knocked out,I then put my ear buds back in and closed my eyes until I felt something..