Why not?

910 21 3

The next day I woke up and ran to take a shower,thankfully Minho was still sleeping.
~15 minutes later~
I got done showering and I came out wearing this.

(Yes the nails changed😂)I then headed out and put the dirty clothes in the basket and walked towards Jisung' s room

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(Yes the nails changed😂)
I then headed out and put the dirty clothes in the basket and walked towards Jisung' s room.Without knocking,I open the door.I panick as I don't see him their,did he even come home last night?! As I was getting ready to leave,I hear a door open,I peeked and see Jisung coming out the restroom.
Jisung:Oh good morning,noona!"
Y/N:Hey kiddo"
Jisung:What brings you here?"
Y/N:Not much,just came to make sure you made it home from yesterday"
Jisung:Yeah,Taeyong Hyung made me some food and we played video games and well lets just say we got a long very well"
Y/N:*smile* That's good,well ima go make some breakfast ok?"
He nodded and told me he was gonna play video games,I then headed downstairs to the kitchen.I then grabbed what I nodded and started preparing breakfast.
~25 minutes later~
I made this.

I then yelled at the guys and told them to come here

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I then yelled at the guys and told them to come here.

I then yelled at the guys and told them to come here

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Chanyeol also made it back yesterday from work.
Chanyeol:Im gonna quit my job"
All of us put our attention on him.
Jisung:Hyung,what do you mean?"
Chanyeol:Well my friend,Sehun,he applied for me as a bar tender."
Jisung:At the bar?"
Chanyeol:Yes,and so I will have more hours to sleep in the morning then at night"
Y/N:What time are you coming home?"
Chanyeol:5 in the morning"
I choked on my pancakes,Lee Know handed me a glass of milk and slightly hit my back.
Lee Know:Deep breathes Y/N"
I did as he said.A couple of Seconds later,I caught my breath and I looked at Chanyeol.
Chanyeol:What? Hey you know Y/N you can take my place in the coffee shop since school ended"
I thought about it and it didn't sound bad.
Y/N:I should,huh? Then I can help you pay the bills!"
I said and looked at Minho,he just shook his head left and right.
Y/N:Why not?"
Minho:Cause I said so"
My eyebrows crashed together,just cause he's my boyfriend doesn't mean he can control me! Their was an awkward tension in the dinning room that was until Chanyeol said.
Chanyeol:I'm gonna be looking for a house so that me and Jisung can live in"
I nodded while violently pocking the pancakes.I sighed and stood up.
Y/N:I will be back"
I then got up and speed walked to the door,I could hear Minho yelling.
Minho:Y/N get back here! Your not going anywhere!"
I sighed out of frustration and grabbed the keys and took off into the car.
~15 minutes later~
???:Well congratulation,you got the job!"
Y/N:Thank you so much sir!"
I said while shaking his hand.
Jungkook:Just call me Jungkook"
I nodded and followed him to the door.
Y/N:When do I start Jungkook?"
Jungkook:You can start today at 12 and then leave at 5pm or do the night shift"
Y/N:How long is the night shift?"
Jungkook:From 9pm to 1am"
My eyes widden and he noticed.He let out a chuckle before saying.
Jungkook:Don't worry tho my sister's do the night shift so I'm only here at night but I had to come check something out and then that's when we met"
Y/N:Ahh ok,so i think I'll start at 12"
Jungkook:Alright Ms.Y/N it was nice knowing you"
I nodded and again thanked him.
I then walked out the coffee shop and into the car,heading back home,preparing for the worst.

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