She still here,after 2 weeks Tzuyu is here.I then entered the room and untied her from the chair and carried her to a changing room.I called CL over and she came and took Tzuyu,I in the other hand,made sure the door locked and that their was no evidence that we were here.I then made my way to CL. Y/N:Is she dead?" CL:Yes she is" I touched Tzuyu's pulls and yeah,Their was no movement.I sighed and said. Y/N:Lets just put her back in their?" She nodded and I put her back in the room.I yet again solved the problem and the door opened,I quickly put her body on the chair and looked at her for the last time,I slowly closed the door and made sure it locked.Everything looked,good as new so then we ran to our classes. ~Time skip,Wednesday~ ~PROM~ Today is the day,I got my nails done on Monday,after school and then I bought my dress yesterday.I am currently putting on my makeup and Lee Know is showering.As I was about to put on foundation my phone rings,I looked at it and see it's from Jessi Y/N:Hey,what's up?" Jessi:AHHH I'm so excited!" Y/N:Girl is this what you called me for?" Jessi:Yes" I hung up on her,she really out here distracting me from getting ready. ~1 hour later~ I got done with everything,and so did Minho,we are now at his backyard with Jisung who is taking pictures of us. Jisung:Noona you look so pretty" Y/N:Thanks! Now let's start heading towards school!" They nodded and we took off ~Time skip,at school~ I went out the car and Minho came running out the car and wrapped a hand around my waist.He then whispers. Minho:You look hot,oh and don't think I forgot about what you said in Cali" My eyes widden,how did he not forget. Jisung:Lets go why are we standing here?" I nodded and held Jisung's hand while Lee Know's arm is wrapped around my waist,we then walk in.We made our way towards Jessi and Jay Park since they were the first ones we saw.When Jessi saw me her jaw dropped. Jessi:Oh my gosh! Y/N you look so good!" (My look)
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(Minho's look)
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Y/N:Thanks,yall don't look bad yourself"
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They just laughed and said,"let's go find the others".Minho and I nodded and we took off,Jisung already left and he went with his friends.A couple minutes later we see Hyuna and E-Dawn at the corner.
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Y/N:Hey guys! Looking good!" They just said,"back to you" and laughed. Jessi:Where's CL and G-D?" Hyuna:At the dance floor" E-Dawn:I'll go get them" We thanked him and left. Jay Park:Minho,let's go bring the drinks?" Minho looked at me and back at Jay Park. Minho:Sure" Then they both left.A couple of seconds later CL and G-D came.
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When we saw each other,CL and I ran to give each other hug. CL:Ahhh looking good,Mrs.Lee- oh wait where is Lee Know?" Y/N:He went to go get the drinks along with Jay Park" She just said a quick,"oh" and we walked off to find a table.We sat down and we started chit chatting.Minho and Jay Park came with our drinks and we started drinking. ~2 hours later~ My stomach was hurting do to drinking to much soda,I excused myself and went to the bathroom.As I was on my way,I bumped into someone,I looked at who it was shocked to see him. ???:O-oh,Y-Y/N,right? Sorry for that" Y/N:..