(Still Jisung P.O.V) The door opened reaviling a stress Chanyeol.I then hear him say. Chanyeol:Lord Y/N,it's been hard after you left" I then heard him sigh,I stepped out my hiding spot and he screamed. Jisung:Shhh Hyung,if they hear us then we might not make it out." Chanyeol:What does that mean?" I then pulled out the suitcases that were besides me.His eyes widden. Chanyeol:And were exactly are we gonna go?!" A small smile curved into my lips. Jisung:My twin should be here any-" I got cut off due to tires screeching,I quickly threw Chanyeol his bag and told him to follow me.We are now out the room and onto the roof,I see Y/N noona pull up with a nice dark red car.
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I then jumped off the roof with my suitcase in my hand and ran to Y/N's car.She pulled me in a hug and gave me a kiss on my forehead. Y/N:Put your stuff in the car,and get in!" I nodded and did what she told me to do. End Of Jisung P.O.V Y/N P.O.V Y/N:Chanyeol,hurry up! I don't have all day!" He then throws me his suitcase and I caught it and put it in the car,I see a figure running from the living room,I quickly yelled. Y/N:Their coming,Chanyeol! Hurry!" He jumped off the roof and thankfully landed on his feet,he quickly came to the car and got in and as I was getting ready go in,I hear. Mom:HEY STOP RIGHT THERE!" I then turn to face her and I waved. Y/N:Goodbye" I then went in the car and took off back to my place. Y/N:Hey Chanyeol,it's been a while,I've missed you" He just put his right hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile. Jisung:Were going to your place,right?" Y/N:Of course,Minho said,you guys can stay their as long as you guys need to" Chanyeol:Who's Minho?" Y/N:My boyfriend" Chanyeol:YOUR WHAT?!" Jisung:Hyung calm down" ~Time skip~ Chanyeol:This place is nice" He said while getting out the car and looking at Minho's place. Y/N:Well come on in" They just nodded and walked behind me.I unlocked the door and pushed it open,only to smell the food Minho was making. Y/N:Babe I'm back!" I didnt get a response so I told the guys to put their stuff on the couch and to follow me into the kitchen. Y/N:BABE!"