I then decided to walk around my room since I was getting pretty bored of just sitting on the bed and looking out the window,then i saw another door witch i thought it would lead me to the restroom but it ended being a closet.
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It was very big and bright,then i started looking at the clothes and sadly their wasn't any nerdy outfits.My brothers never liked it when I wore nerdy clothes and wear glasses because im not a nerd and i don't even need glasses.I sighed knowing Chanyeol threw away all my nerdy clothes and bought me clothes I don't like to wear but who cares,I have to be thankful i have clothes.Then after a couple of minutes going through the closet I then see another door,witch im pretty sure it leads to the bathroom.And I was right!
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It was very nice and big then I hear my name being called so I ran out here and back upstairs.When I arrive upstairs I see a worried Jisung. Y/N:What's wrong?" I then see Jisung relax when he saw me. Jisung:I thought you got kidnap or something! Where were you anyways?" Y/N:Well I decide to explore my room and the first the door I saw was that one-" I said and pointed towards the white door,before continuing. Y/N:Then turns out it was my closet then I looked even further then I found another door witch ended up being my bathroom." Jisung:Oh really!? Can I see them!?" Y/N:Sure then get out because ima shower!" He nodded before taking off,I just laughed and went downstairs to the kitchen.I was very hungry so i opened the fridge and see a lot of food! Y/N:AHHH FINALLY!!" I yelled at the sight of seeing some of my favorite food witch I quickly grabbed and put them in the microwave.Minutes later they were done and I took them out and eat them.After I got done eating I decided to go shower,so i go back to my room and into my shower but when I opened the door,I see jisung taking a selfie,then what he did next surprised me.He then removed his shirt,exposing his abs and taking a picture,he then quickly put on his shirt before smiling and saying,"She better like that picture" ..my mouth was wide open when he said that,then he looked around the bathroom one last time before screaming. Jisung:YAHHH NOONA HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THEIR FOR!?" I ignored him and grabbed his phone from his pocket and taking off with it.I ran until I reached someone's room.
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I got in their and locked the door.I then ran towards the bed and sat down and started going through his phone.Him and Chanyeol have phones while I dont because my mom says "Im not responsible to have one" but anyways i go on his messages and I see nothing,i then go on his Instagram and see nothing but then I go on Snapchat,swipe to left to see his recently messages and their I see a girl's bitmoji,it's the first one,all the way on top,and so I clicked on it and their is shows Jisung and the picture he previously sent her.I then noticed what he has her under as and it says *Babygirl* I was shocked,Jisung would at least tell me when he had a crush but now he even has a partner for this!! Then his phone vibrated indicating he got a message then it turned out it was from her,I opened it and I instantly regretted it.Why? Why is the only question that kept repeating in my head.I then turned off his phone and unlock the door,their I see a angry Jisung,I gave him a cold stare before throwing his phone in front of his feet and walking back to my room.I heard him sigh and calling my name but I didn't look back and just continued walking to my room when I arrived I closed the door and locked it.I then started asking myself questions about him while grabbing a bra and an underwear before walking into the bathroom. Y/N:How long was he doing this for? Does Chanyeol even know he's been doing that?" I continued asking questions while turning on the water. ~Time Skip~( after you were done showering) I wrapped myself in a towel and walked into my closet closet.Minutes later I decided to wear this.
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Y/N;I'm so not comfortable in this but this is the type of clothes Chanyeol got me,sadly" I sighed and waked infront of my window,thinking about what Jisung does. End Of Your P.O.V Author P.O.V While the girl was looking out the window,she didn't know her younger twin brother walked in but didn't say a word and just looked at her from behind.He knew what he did was wrong,but what she didn't know was that he was forced to do that or else he would also get bullied.He was about to get out when he heard her sniff.He has never seen or heard his twin sister cry.