Y/N:Well yesterday,Jisung came in my room and asked if he could look around it I said yes but told him to hurry up because i had to shower so then he just nodded and took off so then I went downstairs and ate,for like 8 minutes? Or so? But then I went back to my room and searched the place to make sure Jisung wasn't in their no more but then I go to the bathroom and I see Jisung taking a picture of himself before removing his shirt and taking a picture of his stomach and up." Jessi & CL:And that's why your mad at him?!' I sighed before continuing. Y/N:No it gets even worser, I took his phone and ran to another room with it and locked the door to make sure he didn't come in obviously then I started going through his phone and I go on his Snap and their I see the picture he sent her then his phone vibrated and it was a message from the girl-" Jessi:Wait who was the girl?" Y/N:Wait bitchh!!!!!" Jessi:I swear if its that bitch's sister ima go off on Jisung!" I sighed before saying. Y/N:Can you please let me continue!?" She nodded and I continued. Y/N:And so i opened it and i instantly regretted it." CL:Lemme guess! They were sending nudes?" I nodded Y/N:But the worst part is that it's with-" I got cut off due to hearing Hyuna yelling our names so we turned around and waved at her and told her to run to us but while she was running since she was wearing heels,the 3 of us looked back at each other before CL asked. CL:SO! Who was it?" Y/N:Tzuyu's sister...Yuna" Their jaw dropped,well who's wouldn't!? The popular girls sister a.k.a Yuna,the 2nd popular girl in school was sending nudes to the nerds brother.Everyone would either be shocked or surprised,they had their moment until Hyuna finally came. Hyuna:Guy's im here! Can we go now?!" I nodded and they followed me to the car. Hyuna:Umm Y/N? Why are their mouths open?" She asked me as we got in the car but I was too lazy to tell her the whole story so i just made it short and clear. Y/N:The 2nd most popular girl in school is sending nudes to the nerds brother" I looked over to her as I turned on the car and saw as her jaw also dropped.I laughed and headed towards the park.10 minutes later we arrived and got off and headed towards the grass underneath a tree.
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We sat down and they kept asking me questions on JIsung,I was getting annoyed so i told them to shut up,thankfully they did,then a couple of minutes later we heard an old mans voice saying "Ice cream! Ice cream! Come get your ice cream!" We all looked at each other and ran towards him like little kids.While we were ordering I saw a familiar face,I told the girls that "i'll be right back" and ran behind him and as I was walking behind him,I could hear him sniff and wipe his nose with a napkin hear and their.I then called him. Y/N:Minho?" He froze up and turned around slowly. Y/N:Hey why are you crying?" He didn't say anything and just ran to me and hugged me,I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him back.3 minutes later after whispering the words."Everything is gonna be alright" over and over again he pulled away. Minho:H-hey im sorry for that" He said and scratched the back of his neck Y/N:No its okay,but do you feel better?" He just nodded before telling me so go and sit with him on the bench.I just nodded and followed him and sat down.At first it was awkward but then he said...