I don't like to do this type of stuff but something in me made me check it out.I then pressed down on the home button but it led me to the 'wrong finger print please try with password' shit.I then type in the date we started dating in hopes of that working and surprisingly it worked! I then go to his messages and clicked on Jessi's name.
Instead of texting back I decide to call her. Jessi:LEE KNOW!?" Y/N:Ouch Unnie,that hurt" Jessi:Y/N!? Your okay?!" Y/N:Yeah,why wouldn't I be?" Jessi:Girl I found your phone by the pool! So I thought you got kidnapped or something" Y/N:Huh? How?" Jessi:Wait,Your lock screen is a picture of you,Jisung,and Minho,right?" Y/N:Yeah.....wait so who's phone do I have?!" Jessi:I don't know but put something on the camera's,you never know,someone might be watching you" I said ok and did it. Y/N:Then what?!" Jessi:Throw it out the window!" I didn't answer back but I ran to the window and I was getting ready to throw it out when suddenly the door to the bathroom open's,revealing Minho with a towel around his lower stomach.He looked at me with wide eyes but I threw the phone before he got 2 feet near me.I then look at him and put my pointing finger on my lips. I then walk back to Lee Knows phone and said. Y/N:Ok Jessi,I'm done" Jessi:Good now come to the 4th floor and we'll all go out to eat breakfast at the restaurant that's in the corner!" Y/N:Will do babes" Jessi:*chuckles* love ya!" I then laugh and hanged up. Minho:What happen?" I sighed and started explaining what happened. ~After I explained~ Minho:That's scary" I nodded and told him to go put on some clothes so that we can get going. ~5 minutes later~ He came out wearing this.
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(Without the backpack) We then took off hand in hand,locking the door behind us.We made our way towards the elevator and clicked the number 4. ~Time skip~ Jessi:Hey guys come on in!" She said and greeted us with a smile Jessi:Well get going right now,I'm just waiting for Jay Park to get out the shower." Y/N:Its fine,we don't got plans today anyways but hey give me my phone!" Jessi:Here!" She said and pulled it out from her back pocket. Y/N:Gracias" Jessi:*laugh* Wait so y'all are officially dating now,right?" We both nodded with a slight pinkish look on our cheeks. Jessi:I remember in the 9th grade when Y/N talked about how "handsome" you look and how she wanted you all to her self" She then laughed and clapped her hands while I in the other got the closes pillow and yelled into it. I was so embarrassed,I couldn't even look at Minho,I hear him chuckle,before saying. Minho:Is that true babe?" As I was about to say something I hear a door open and it was no other then Jay Park.