~The next day~ (Still Y/N P.O.V) I woke up at 9:30am and grabbed my clothes and headed towards the shower,Minho was dead asleep and I didn't plan on waking him up so I went to use the shower in the hallway.I silently grabbed the handle to the door and twisted it open,I successfully made it outside and was greeted by his mom.After I told my parents the story of why I moved out,Minho's mom,wanted me to stay with her for awhile until I feel like wanting to go back but I'm thankful because we ended on good terms so.. His Mom:Morning sweetie,how are you? Did you sleep well?" Y/N:Good morning Mrs.Lee,and yes I did" I replied with a smile. His Mom:Aish,honey don't call me Mrs.Lee,just call me Mom,if you like!" I smiled even bigger,before saying Y/N:Ok mom,well I have to go shower because at 10:30am I have to pick my friends and drive them to the school!" She gave me a confused look Mom(Ms.Lee):Why are you going to school? It's Saturday?" Y/N:Well we have field trip this whole week and so we have to meet up infront of the school at 12am." Mom:Ohh ok sweetie,go ahead" She said and smiled at me while I thanked her and walked to the bathroom. I got in the restroom and started doing my business ~20 minutes later~ I got done and came out wearing this.
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I then headed out and put the dirty clothes in the the laundry basket and by the way,I did take out the rest of the suitcases and put them in the house ,then I grabbed my car keys and headed downstairs. Mom:Sweetie,are you gonna eat anything?" Y/N:I'll probably make some pancakes with hash browns,eggs,and bacon,with a strawberry smoothie" Mom:Oh ok,do you need any help?" I shook my head to the left and right( STREAM this song) then she patted my shoulder and said she was gonna go clean her room,I nodded and she left.She fired all her maids after the incident of my mom and dad out of fear that might happen in the near future again but anyways I started working on the breakfast when suddenly my phone went off,I put the spoon down and checked it out. CL😋:Hey Y/N,I'm ready and I'll be waiting for you at the front,just letting you know!
Y/N🙃:Ok,but that's not until another hour and 30 minutes..?😂
Cl😋:I know I'm just excited!!
Y/N:😂😂 ok well let me finish making breakfast and also let me eat first then I'll go for you guys!
I then sent her a thumbs up and continued making breakfast.15 mintues later,I was done and I put some breakfast on my plate before covering up the eggs,bacon,and hash brown's with a lid and the pancakes I put them in the microwave,I then grabbed my plate and headed off to the table.
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I sat down and started eating.5 minutes in,my phone starts ringing.