Let him go

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He nodded and we took off outside and their we see everyone.
Y/N:Hey guys!"
He then gave me a hug and I returned it.
Jessi:Ok y'all let's go!"
I then let go of Jisung and walked towards Lee Know.We cheered and headed towards Disney Land.It wasn't that far so we went walking.
Jay Park:Y'all want something to eat?"
Lee Know:Let's just go to Mc.Donalds!"
And so we took off to McDonald's
Worker:What would you like to order?"
G-D:9 McMufins! 5 ice Carmel coffee and 4 cokes!"
Worker:Right up!"
We thanked her and took our receipt and walked to a table
Lee Know:What number are we?"
He just nodded and Jessi said
Jessi:I feel like today is gonna be a good day!"
Jisung:I agree,I strongly agree!"
We just laughed and then Hyuna asked
Hyuna:Wait so what happened with Jimin? And the teacher?"
Y/N:Well we haven't heard anything about them after the incident"
Minho:That's true,but how are we gonna go back to Korea, When 1 student committed suicide,1 student is missing and 1 teacher is missing?"
Jay Park:That's true bro would they even let us pass?"
CL:I'm pretty sure,I mean they should"
We just exchanged a confused look then the worker called our number.
G-D/E-Dawn:I'll get it!"
They looked at each other and just shrugged it off and walked to get our food.
~10 minutes later~
Lee Know:Y/N hurry up! Your such a slow eater!"
I looked at him straight in the eyes and slowly took a bite from my burger.
Lee Know:You know what?! I'm leaving you too!"
Y/N:No no no ok I'm sorry,I'll hurry up"
Minho:You better"
I just hurried up on eating.Yes it's just me and him,the others already left.Soon enough I got done eating and we took off.
~At Disney Land~
We arrived and went to go buy our tickets.
Worker:Just 2 tickets?"
Well is their someone else you see with us?
Y/N:Yes just 2"
She nodded and gave Lee Know the tickets.I noticed how she was being flirty with him and how she tried to hold his hand.Something inside me felt jealous.I then grabbed her hand so basically we were all touching hands? I then gave her a sharp glare and said.
Y/N:Let him go"
I said in a very stern voice,she then gave me a dirty look but did in the end.
I then took the tickets and eyed her one last time before grabbing Lee Knows hand and locking it with mine.
Y/N:Let's go"
I then dragged him along with me.
We then made it in and we headed off to the Harry Potter island.
Minho:Why did you hold me hand?"
Y/N:Why did you let me?"
I then looked over at him and he has a surprise look on.
Y/N:You should already know"
I then started wondering around the place.
~5 hours later~
The sun is getting ready to go down and Minho wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel.So here we are in line waiting patiently for our turn.We ended up finding CL and G-D at the teacups.Hyuna and E-Dawn at the Pirates And The Carbine Place.Jessi and Jay Park at the Starwars place.Jisung? We found him at the Harry Potter place when we where their so then after that he decided to tag along with us.
It is now our turn to get in the Ferris Wheel.I look at Jisung and see him going in the ride behind us by himself.I felt bad but then Minho grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit besides him.
Y/N:What happen?"
He cleared his throat before saying.
Minho:I have something to confess"

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