7th floor

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Minho:I agree,I strongly agree"
He then opened his arms for a hug and I gladly flopped on him completely forgetting Yuna and Jimin were right besides us.
Yuna:Wait wait wait wait,Minho you left my sister Tzuyu,over Jisung's....cousin? Sister? What ever you guys are to each other"
I was gonna say something but Minho just looked down on me and shook his head,I nodded and took this opportunity to snuggle on him,I then hear him say.
Minho:Yes,yes I did"
I hear Yuna and Jimin gasp and I myself froze on my spot,when suddenly Minho leans into my ear and tells me.
Minho:I'm only doing this so that they would leave,ok?"
It didn't kill me but something inside me died when he said those words,but I didn't wanna show it so I just nodded and then acted as if I was his girlfriend.
Yuna:Tzuyu is gonna kill you,Y/N!"
I laugh like a psychopath remembering that day,we almost ended Tzuyu's life but then I got my senses back and came back to reality.
Y/N:Speaking of your sister,where is she? I haven't seen her in a while"
I saw how Yuna was lost for words but she managed to say
Yuna:I-I don't k-know,the last time we texted was when she said she was gonna go to the gym because she had P.E then from their on I haven't heard of her ever since."
Lee Know:Don't y'all live together?!"
Yuna:No my mom kicked her out because of the stuff she was doing"
Y/N:What was she doing?"
Yuna:Bringing boys into the house and- Wait why am I even telling you guys?!"
She then marched her way to the back,I assume.I then look at Minho and see that he is just shaking his head,I sighed and rubbed his back,I'm not very good with words so I just give people the silent treatment.
5 minutes later he calmed down and just started acting as if nothing has happened.
~Time skip at the Hotel~
Teacher:Class we were out of money so you guys have to share a room whether you like it or not!"
Some kids sighed and others laughed while clinging onto thier boyfriends/girlfriends while I in the other hand just nodded and went up to the teacher to get the keys to the room..
Teacher:Can I help you Y/N?"
Y/N:Yes you can,give me the keys"
She then nodded and gave them to me and so I left into the Hotel.I didn't know where to go so I asked the lady in the front.
Lady:Hello miss what can I do for you?"
Y/N:Which floor is 127 on?"
Lady:On the 7th floor"
My eyes kinda widden but I just thanked her and headed towards the elevator.
~Without knowimg i was being followed~

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