~4 hours later~ (Still Minho P.O.V) Minho:Y/N hurry up and choose one!" Y/N:See this is why I come alone because people are always rushing me!" Minho:Y/N we have been here for like 3 or 4 hours already!" Y/N:Whatever,I'll come tomorrow,let's go pay for your suit" He just sighed and walked over to the cashier.I think I'm gonna buy myself a gold dress or something gold because Minho,got the black and gold suit he wanted,now I just need to get my stuff. Minho:Babe let's go!" I then ran a little to him and we took off hand in hand to the parking lot. Minho:You want to get your nails done?" Y/N:Nah I'll do it some other time" He just nodded.The whole ride was silent,we stopped a traffic light and he asked me. Minho:You want to go to your family?" It felt like time stopped,do I want to go back? I mean I did tell my mom I'm not going back and other then the fact that my dad is their,I rather go to hell then see his face. Y/N:No" I said in a stern voice,it wasn't Minho's fault tho,it was my parents fault.I sometimes really do question how they even met.And I mean the only reason I want to go the house is Chanyeol,I haven't seen him in 2 weeks now.I should just invite both Chanyeol and Jisung to our place. Minho:Were here" Minho said,I myself didn't even realize it,he then pulled up on to the drive way and stopped the car.I then opened the door and got off as he did the same. ~10 minutes later~ Minho:Its fine they can come,are you hungry?" I just got done asking Lee Know if my brothers can come over. Y/N:A little bit,why?" Minho:Well it is currently 6:15pm and dinner is at 6:30pm so why don't you invite your brothers for dinner?" Y/N:Good idea" He just laughed and took off to the kitchen while I made my way towards the living room.I go on my contacts and call Jisung,he immediately picks up. Jisung:Hi noona what's wrong?" Y/N:Jisung? Why are you breathing so heavy? Are you ok?" Jisung:No noona,dad and mom got in a argument and now he is drunk and he is trying to beat me up,he is banging on my door but I'm right here so he won't get in and mom is breaking stuff,please help me!" Y/N:Where is Chanyeol?!" I said as I made my way to the kitchen,to get Minho to know what's going on.I put Jisung on speaker. Jisung:He is trying to stop mom from breaking any more stuff! Noona please help us! Let us move in with you! I beg you!" I look at Minho and he just nods Y/N:Get your close ready,I'm on my way!" I then hanged up and ran to the keys,I yelled back at Lee Know Y/N:Babe,I'll be back!" Minho:Be careful,I love you!" Y/N:I love you too!" I then ran out the door and into the car.Don't worry I did lock the door. End Of Y/N P.O.V Jisung P.O.V Noona hung up and i put my phone in my pocket,the closes strong furniture was the drawer,were I keep my boxers and short in,I then had an idea.I started moving the drawer closer to me until it covered the door,I then remove my hand from the doorknob and ran to take out my suitcase. I didn't put much in it,I only put the stuff i was going to need/wear.I then sneaked out threw my window, I tipetoed my way through the towards Chanyeol's room
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I had to make sure I didn't fall since I was walking on the roof but in the end,I successfully made it into his room,thankfully his window was opened.Once I got in his room, I quickly searched for his suitcase and then started puttiing random clothes in but I also made sure I put in boxers.A couple of mintues later,I hear footsteps coming my way,I got scared thinking it was my dad so I hid both the suitcases and myself,I then waited patiently to wait for the person to come in.