Chapter Eight

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Continuation of Dara's POV

   I drove into the compound, and the maid quickly rushed to help me with my bag which I kindly declined. I asked her if my parents were around and she informed me that they were already waiting for me. She opened the door for me and I entered.

   Both my parents were already on sit waiting for me in our personal living room.

"Good afternoon dad and mum." I greeted them as I hugged them

"How are you today my daughter? How was today's service?" dad asked with a forced smile

   Well, what can I say about my parents? Though it was a Pastor that joined them, they are both not believers. Yes, they know that God exists but they don't believe in Him and I've been interceeding for them, which I know God will surely do.

"It was fine dad. Mum, how are you doing?" I asked mum with a smile

"I'm good honey. You just completely forget your mum. That's not so fair. You know sometimes I think, you love your father more than me." she said with a frown on her face

"Don't mind her drama jare my daughter. You know how your mum is" he said with a wink, while mum just huffed.

"If you're done ganging up on me, ask the maid if she's done with setting the dining, because I know you've not eaten anything yet and we're just waiting for you" she said

   Just then, Sikirat (the maid) came in to inform us that she's done. We all left for the dining room where I was served the best home cooked food I've tasted in a while. I ate to my satisfaction, as if I won't be eating again for the rest of the day. After we finished eating and went back to living room, dad brought up the issue to which he called me.

"My dear, you know we love you and we want the best for you, right?" he asked

"Yes dad" I replied with my heart beating fast

"So, do you remember Mr Raymond of Ray Group of Companies that I introduced to you and your friends that night?" he asked

"Yes dad, I do" I replied unsure of where the discussion is going

"Good, now I want you to listen to me. Please, hear me out first" he pleaded to which I nodded my head, as my heart kept pounding

"He likes you and would like to make you his wife. I tried to reason with him that he can have anyone he like but he told me that, it's you that he wants to get married to. He said it's that or he run us to the ground.
  My daughter, you know, this legacy is built by our forefathers. We can't allow it to run down. He gave me 24hrs to decide on his offer, which I know he'll be calling any moment from now.
   Please, my dear if not for anything, please get married to him for our sake. Love will come as time goes on. You know, my marriage with your mum was an arranged one but look at us now, we love each other." he said to me as he bowed his head

   I was already in tears by the time he finished. I, Darasimi should get married to a man I know nothing about? Oh God, this is too much. I'm not expecting this at all...

"But dad, what of Bisade? He likes the guy. They can just get married instead" I said desperately

"He said it's you or no one else" he said with tears

Writer's POV

"Dad please understand, it can't happen. You know very much that I believe in love. This is not the fairytale I had pictured for myself. Please don't force me into a loveless marriage " Dara said between sobs as tears keep rolling from her eyes.

   Her mum sat beside her as if she wanted to sympathize with her, but she knew her mum is beyond that. The woman will probably cause more damage to the situation on ground.

"My dear daughter (here goes nothing...), what could possibly be the problem In him? She continued without waiting for an answer
  He's a billionaire for crying out loud. He owns the largest part of this city and most ladies out there wish they were in your shoes. So, instead of crying, you should be thankful to your head for bringing you such luck." she said

(They could have him for all I care, Dara screamed in her head. If  her mum should hear what she just said, Dara knew she wouldn't hear the end of it.)

"Honey, you shouldn't be the one saying this (Mr Adetoun cuts in). You know that we have the most beautiful daughter in the world and besides, you should be able to come down to her level and make her understand why we need her to get married to that young man." he explained to his wife

(If only they could see this from my point of view. Dara thought as her parents continue to argue.)

"God, come and deliver me from this trap o" Dara said to herself

"Baba Dara, eyin le nba omo yi je o (you're the one spoiling this child). You know I'll keep saying the truth.
  Not so long, she came home saying she has become a believer, Christian or whatever they call themselves. You said it was her decision and she's old enough to make one and now, she's complaining about the man you want her to marry.
  Dara look here, you are going to marry that man whether you like it or not because I won't allow you to destroy the legacy that your great grandfathers has built and maintained over the years. Koni baje lori mi (it won't get spoilt in my time). If I'll have to tie you up and drag you to the altar, I'll gladly do it. It's your call" her mum said to her in anger

"Dara your mother is right. You know I love you and I wouldn't allow any harm to come your way. You're ripe for marriage. The young man likes you and I know for sure, he wouldn't hurt you. Because I know his father, who is an honest man and I believe he's one too.
  He's the best candidate for the space in your life and I hope you make the right decision." he said to her calmly

"But dad, he's not a Christian, how can I be unequally yoked with an unbeliever..." she quickly covered her mouth when she realized what she said

"Chai, have added petrol to the fire was the first thing that came to her mind. What is wrong with my mouth now?" she asked herself

", I didn't mean that way..." she tried to justify herself

But you know what they say that words are like egg once it falls down, it can't be taken back...

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