-Preference's 9-

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Today You were joining Etf at a meet and greet which is something you never do currently you are siting on Craig's lap Watching him talk to fans some fans wanted a photo or autograph from you so you did that, Then this group of probably 4 girls cama up to Craig and the band they all got there autographs from the rest of the band then they meant Craig and saw that you were with him setting on his lap One of them got mad "You should really get off him fat ass your gonna break his leg you know that right, What you weigh around 130 to 150 pounds your gonna break his leg get off him, you couldn't find a chair, just cause his surprisly your boyfriend don't mean you can rub it in are faces"said the girl you looked up from the table and started crying Craig was shocked "Why the fuck would you say that, I'm sorry babe, Security have her removed No babe don't run off Ashley come back don't listen to her"said Craig as you ran off Security had the girl removed you ran off Craig chased after you, After a while he found you behide the bus, Craig sat beside you he could hear you crying he started crying a little Craig pulled you into his lap "Why'd she do that I didn't mean for any of that i don't want to hurt you"you said Craig wrapped you in a hug "just forget about what that one person Sayed look at what all the other fans have Sayed in facts there all looking for you so why don't you and I go back to the meet and greet and you can tell all the fans your okay, Don't you ever listen to someone saying shit like that okay your are the most beautiful fucking woman I have seen in my life Ashley do you fucking hear me the most beautiful woman"said Craig you smiled after a few you guys when back to the meet and greet Kevin had a chair waiting you when to set down "Nope your setting on my lap baby girl lets go"said Craig you both sat down.

Today You were joining Etf at a meet and greet which is something you never do currently you are siting on Craig's lap Watching him talk to fans some fans wanted a photo or autograph from you so you did that, Then this group of probably 4 girls ca...

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You and Kevin were walking around the town you when a few fans ran up to you and Kevin "Can we have your autograph and a few photos please Thrasher please"said one fan but one girl was staring at you giving you death glares you smiled at her "Why are you with him he could have me a beautiful woman a woman that is worth something a woman that looks like she belongs with Tharsher I mean look at you just what is wrong with your hair it's two different colors, Why'd he choose you when he knows there better looking girls like me and her you probably weigh over 110 pounds when a woman is supposed to weigh under 95 pounds your so fat and ugly I hope Thrasher dumbs you so he can have a real woman like me and her"said the girl "Um excuse me Child why'd you say that to Jordan that was very rude and hateful to say, Jordan is an amazing woman she's beautiful confident and is better for me then anything she is the love of my life and you must really suck and not love your self to come to a woman and say that to her please Leave me and Jordan alone okay thanks"said Kevin you smiled holding back the tears You and Kevin walked off "HEY WHAT ABOUT THE PHOTO"Yelled the hater You hugged Kevin and kissed his cheek.

You and Kevin were walking around the town you when a few fans ran up to you and Kevin "Can we have your autograph and a few photos please Thrasher please"said one fan but one girl was staring at you giving you death glares you smiled at her "Why ...

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