-Preference's 17-

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You were hanging out with Craig on the bored walk "hey look the sun is setting for the night"said Craig you guys looked at the sun setting "wow it's so beautiful"you said Craig smiled at you "I know something way more beautiful then this"said Craig "who"you asked "You Ashley you are way more beautiful then a sunset"said Craig you smiled and hugged Craig "I love you Craig"you said "Move in with me please"asked Craig you looked at him "what"you asked "Move in with me Ashley I mean we have been dating for 4 years now that's the next step in are relationship"said Craig you smiled and hugged Craig "Of course I will move in with you"you said smiling Craig smiled and both of you kissed.

You were hanging out with Craig on the bored walk "hey look the sun is setting for the night"said Craig you guys looked at the sun setting "wow it's so beautiful"you said Craig smiled at you "I know something way more beautiful then this"said Crai...

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You and Kevin were hanging out at Kevin's house when your phone when off it was your mom you answer she was crying "mom what's wrong"you asked "your apartment is gone Jordan everything there was a fire"said your mom you got up scaring Kevin you got your shoes on Kevin got his shoes on and followed you as you started walking to your apartment which wasn't that far from Kevin's place "a fire what the hell happen mom, I'm on my way with Kevin"you said "I don't know I just got here I showed up and the whole place was up in smokes"said your mom you guys got to your apartment you started crying you turned to Kevin and hugged him crying your eyes out you mom saw you guys and ran over to both of you "What happen Miss.Sykes"asked Kevin "I don't know Kevin I asked everyone but all there saying is they woke up this morning to the smell of burning and they got out"said Your mom "What am I fucking gonna do why me what the fuck"you yelled a cop walked over to you guys "did you guys live here"asked the cop "my girlfriend did what happen"asked Kevin he was still holding you tight "right now we don't know Miss do you have a place to stay"asked the cop you liked at the cop "Yeah she does she can stay with me I'm her boyfriend"said Kevin you hugged Kevin "In facts do you want to move in with me babe"asked Kevin you smiled and hugged Kevin tighter "Yes I will move in with you oh my gosh"you said Smiling and kissing Kevin.

Sykes"asked Kevin "I don't know Kevin I asked everyone but all there saying is they woke up this morning to the smell of burning and they got out"said Your mom "What am I fucking gonna do why me what the fuck"you yelled a cop walked over to you gu...

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You are currently at Tj's house watching television when Tj say down next to you he gave you a cold beer you smiled and opened it "so what are we doing today"you asked "I was thinking of looking at new places for me you know since I'm moving"said Tj you smiled "yeah we can do that as long as we get something to drink"you said You and Tj got up and got ready then you both left, After lunch you guys looked at more apartment's for Tj until like 10 at night "well that was a waist of time anyway are you hungry"asked Tj you smiled "it wasn't a waist of time Tj you will find an apartment just give it time and yes I'm very hungry"you said smiling you and Tj when out to dinner. At the restaurant Tj was eating and holding your hand then he stopped eating and looked at you "what's wrong do I have something on my face"you asked "do you want to move in with me and just stay in my old apartment"asked Tj You smiled "are you serious"you asked "yes I very serious"said Tj you got up and walked over to Tj and kissed him "Yes I'll move in with you Thomas"you said as you kissed Tj again.

 At the restaurant Tj was eating and holding your hand then he stopped eating and looked at you "what's wrong do I have something on my face"you asked "do you want to move in with me and just stay in my old apartment"asked Tj You smiled "are you s...

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You are currently at the Studio with Etf Robert was doing his drum thing you were playing on your phone when Craig hit your knee "Robert what's you"said Craig you got up and walked over to where Robert was "what's up"you said "can you go get me a different shirt from home please here's my key to my car and to the house and get us all something to eat there's money under my bed"said Robert he gave you the two keys you smiled and kissed his cheek and you walked off. Once at Roberts house you got a different shirt the one you like which is one of his muscle tees then you when to get everyone burger King. Once back at the studio Robert was on the couch you walked over to him "thanks babe"said Robert you trying giving his keys back "do you what your keys back or not"you said "you keep them and move in with me"said Robert you smiled and sat beside Robert "so you want me to move in with you"you asked Robert out his sweatie arm around you "Yes I do if you want to"said Robert you smiled "yeah I'll move in with you since I'm currently living with my mom and dad"you said smiling and kissing Roberts cheek.

 Once back at the studio Robert was on the couch you walked over to him "thanks babe"said Robert you trying giving his keys back "do you what your keys back or not"you said "you keep them and move in with me"said Robert you smiled and sat beside R...

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You are currently at Max and Tj's house setting in the living room watching television while Max and Tj are talking in the kitchen. After a few they came and sat next to you on both sides "what do you guys want"you asked "will you move in with Max"asked Tj "What do you mean by just Max"you asked "Oh I'm moving out and moving in with my girlfriend"said Tj you looked over at Max his smile was very big "Why you moving out"you asked "my girlfriend asked me and now Max is asking you right Max"said Tj Max smiled "Please move in with me I don't like being alone"said Max you smiled and thought about it "I mean sure why not we have been dating for 7 years so why not"you said Max and Tj hugged you Max kissed your cheek.

 After a few they came and sat next to you on both sides "what do you guys want"you asked "will you move in with Max"asked Tj "What do you mean by just Max"you asked "Oh I'm moving out and moving in with my girlfriend"said Tj you looked over at Ma...

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