-Preference's 47-

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You where at Craig's house playing video games with the kids when Craig came downstairs he was on the phone "Thanks so much Robert I own you big time dude"said Craig you were confused Craig sat down next to you after a few minutes he hung up "Why do you own Robert big time"you asked "His coming to babysit the kids so we can go out to dinner so get ready"said Craig he smiled and picked up Caige you got up and walked upstairs, A few minutes later you were still getting ready "BABE ROBERT AND JESS ARE HERE COME ON"yelled Craig you put your shoes on and walked downstairs. Later that night at the restaurant you guys were eating dinner Craig was holding your hand "Babe I have a question for you"said Craig he got off his chair and got down on one knee "Craig Are you"you said as you started to cry Craig smiled and pulled out a box he smiled and opened the box "Ashley Jane Bennett Will You Marry Me Please"Asked Craig everyone in the restaurant was looking you smiled and shook your head Yes Craig smiled and out the ring on your finger the people In the Restaurant clapped and cheered Both of you got up and hugged each other.


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You and Kevin were hanging out at the park cause this was Kevin's only day off from the studio and touring, Right now you guys are in the swings talking when Kevin got off the swing and stood in front of you he smiled and kissed your cheek "What's wrong Kev what's wrong"to asked Confused Kevin got down on one knee you started crying "Jordan Rose Sykes Will You Marry Me"Asked Kevin you smiled and kissed Kevin "Yes I will of course"you said smiling Kevin put the ring on you and you stood up ana both of you kissed.

You and Kevin were hanging out at the park cause this was Kevin's only day off from the studio and touring, Right now you guys are in the swings talking when Kevin got off the swing and stood in front of you he smiled and kissed your cheek "What's...

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You and Tj were at the beach walking on the bored walk Tj Was Looking over the bored walk into the water he was smiling then Tj stopped "Why'd you stop"you asked "look"said Tj You looked over the bored walk there was Max Kevin Robert Craig Monte And Michael All holding up signed that read Will You Marry Me Alyssa Skyler Jones You Started to cry then you looked over at Tj he was on one knee with a box that had a beautiful ring in it you when down to the ground falling on your knees Crying you hide your face in your hands "Marry Me Please"Asked Tj You Stood up and shook your head Yes then Tj Put the ring on your finger and stood up he kissed you "SHE SAYED YES GUYS"yelled Tj You could see the guys cheering and jumping for joy You Hugged and kissed Tj Again.

You and Tj were at the beach walking on the bored walk Tj Was Looking over the bored walk into the water he was smiling then Tj stopped "Why'd you stop"you asked "look"said Tj You looked over the bored walk there was Max Kevin Robert Craig Monte A...

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You and Robert were out at dinner with the guys, You took a drink while the guys were talking the Robert looked at you he smiled and got out of his seat and got in front of you he kissed you and smiled then he got down on one knee you smiled "Uh Robert what you doing bro"you asked "Sarah Jane Roberson Will You Marry Me Baby"asked Robert you stood up and Reached down kissing Robert "Of course babe"you said smiling Robert put the ring on tour finger and he stood up and kissed you the guys and the whole restaurant cheered and clapped.


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You and Max were at a Falling In Reverse Concert Cause Max bought the tickets so you had to go but secretly didn't want to cause you have been to so many Falling In Reverse shows in your life. You guys were enjoying your self in the crowd "Hold up guys hang on we have 2 very special people here somewhere in the crowd with us tonight and I need them to come on stage please, So Max And Kaylee please come on stage it's your time to shine"said Ronnie Max got your hand and pulled you through the crowd, Once on stage you hugged everyone in the band Max hugged Ronnie "Okay man it's your time to shine but are you sure you want to do this What is she says No"asked Ronnie Max looked over at you while you were hugging Zakk "She'll say yes, Babe come here"said Max he pulled you over to him "Hey everyone I'm Max Green Haha and this is My Beautiful girlfriend Kaylee Ryan Radke and I have a question for her"said Max he smiled the fans when crazy you were smiling like crazy so was Ronnie ana the rest of the band, Max got down on One Knee the fans when insane with screaming The band when insane too Max pulled out the box you started Crying Zakk had to hold you up while he was freaking out "Kaylee Ryan Radke Will You Please Marry Me"Asked Max you put your hand up to your mouth and smiled then you tackled Max down to the ground and kissed him Ronnie put a microphone up to your mouth "well what do you say Kaylee"asked Ronnie "Oh my God yes fucking Yes Maxwell"you said everyone cheered "SHE SAYED YES"Yelled Ronnie Zakk and Ronnie helped you and Max up Max put the ring on your finger and both of you kissed.

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