-Preference's 29-

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-CRAIG- He Found Out You Use To Self Harm.

When Craig found out that you use to self harm he started crying you hugged him "i don't do it anymore Craig I promise I was just in a really dark time in my life it was that or suicide"you said Craig hugged you you wipped his tears away "Can I see all of them"asked Craig "take a shower with me and you can see all of them cause sadly there all over my body"you said smiling, Once Craig saw them all he started crying again and you hugged him crying a little to.

-THARSHER- He Found Out Your Parents Use To Abuse You.

"When can I meet your parents you already met mine"said Kevin you started crying Kevin hugged you "oh babe did I hit a nerve"asked Kevin as he hugged you tight after a few minutes of crying you stopped and looked at Kevin "The reason you haven't met my parents are because they um they... They abused me really badly"you said crying into his shirt Kevin hugged you and pulled you onto his lap "babe it's okay they won't get to you I promise babe I promise what to cuddle"asked Kevin you smiled and both of you when to your bed and cuddled then fell asleep.

-TJ- He Found Out You Were R*ped When You Where Younger.

When Tj found out he started crying then he punched the wall crying you stopped him cause he hand was bleeding you started cleaning it in the sink he stopped you "I don't care about my hand right now you were fucking r*ped by a family member, is that motherfucker in jail or something"asked Tj "His dead cause of my dad and my dad is sitting in prison for the murder"you said cleaning his hand Tj hugged you tighter ana cryed into your shoulder you guys when to bed for the day cuddling.

-ROBERT- He Found Out You Almost Committed Suicide.

When Robert found out he lost it crying and hugging you tight "why would you even think of that"asked Robert "I was in a really bad place Robert and I didn't know you at all I didn't know what to do"you said crying Robert hugged you tighter "please don't ever think of doing that I'm here for you please"said Robert you out smiled kissing Robert.

-MAX- He Found Out You Were In A Abusive Relationship.

When Max found out you were in a abusive relationship before him he lost it broke a mirror table and hit a wall "Who the fuck would do that to you"asked Max "His name was Daniel his currently in prison so it's nothing to worry about Max"you said Max hugged you tight and wouldn't let go "I love you so much don't ever think I would ever lay a hand on you"said Max you smiled and kissed Max you guys sat down on the couch cuddling.

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