-Preference's 11-

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You are at home watching television with Craig's kids when Robert called you "what's up bro"you said you could hear Robert crying "what's wrong Rob what happen why are you crying"you asked Robert stopped crying for a few seconds "He Cheated on you Ashley Craig fucking cheated on you"said Robert you laughed "Are you kidding me Robert next time come up with a believable lie would you, Craig would never cheat on me we love each other to much"you said laughing "Don't believe me check your messages Ashley"said Robert he hunged up you checked your messages there was a photo's of Craig and Ashley from New Years Day kissing and her all over him, You threw your phone and started crying after a few hours you got off the couch and when to the kitchen the kids were sleeping you got a piece of paper and wrote on it "Craig Edward Mabbitt I can't believe you would throw 6 years of a relationship down the drain for Ashley I been wondering if you truly loved me and now I know you don't and are love meant nothing to you well you can forget about me Craig never text or call me again lose my number goodbye Craig"you wrote then put the letter on the counter, You called Craig's mom she came over and watched the kids you packed your bags saying bye to the kids and then left.

You are at home watching television with Craig's kids when Robert called you "what's up bro"you said you could hear Robert crying "what's wrong Rob what happen why are you crying"you asked Robert stopped crying for a few seconds "He Cheated on you...

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You are currently at work while Kevin is at home you were bored so you played on your phone until you got a notification that Kevin posted something on Twitter you clicked on it the u lost it and threw your phone once you saw the photos Kevin was out partying with the guys and some random chicks again, He and this one chick were all over each other kissing making out all over each other you broke down and cryed your co-workers saw you and ran over to you they saw your phone and saw the photos tons of fans were tagging you in the post standing up for you calling Kevin everything in the world, After a few you stood up "take the day off dear we got it you need it"said your boss you walked to the food court and sat down you made a tweet on Twitter "Kevin or Tharsher what ever they call you, Man I hope your fucking happy you ruined my life but worst is you threw 3 years of a relationship down the drain I hope your happy with what you did, and to the fans thank you so much for standing up for me just to let everyone know Me and Kevin are fucking done im blocking you on all forms of social media's I'm deleting your number i really hope your fucking happy"you tweeted then you got up and walked out of the mall to your car and you cryed "Jordan where are you at please call me so we all know your safe we know Kevin fucked up but you still got us we love you girl, Tj Max Robert and Craig"tweeted Tj you smiled but didn't reply cause you were angry.

You are currently at work while Kevin is at home you were bored so you played on your phone until you got a notification that Kevin posted something on Twitter you clicked on it the u lost it and threw your phone once you saw the photos Kevin was ...

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You the guys and Tj were at a bar downtown celebrating the new album Hate Me Tj was getting drunk you tryed to get him to come home but he didn't want to so you left leaving Tj by his self Once home Kevin Called you "dude his so drunk and now his making out with some chick Tj dude come on you got a girlfriend Tj stop, Craig Robert Or Max a little help here please Thomas you have a girlfriend"said Kevin you were already crying you hung up and got up walking upstairs you packed all your bags and walked downstairs into the kitchen and you wrote a note for Tj, "Dear Thomas I hope you had fun last night with that chick you were making out with yeah that's right I caught you well Kevin caught you I just heard it thought the phone, I hope it was worth it cause you just ruined a 8 year relationship I really do hope she's better then me in all the ways possible better for your Image better for everything lose my number I'm blocking you on all forms of social media blocking your number so fuck you bud"you wrote leaving the letter on the counter and picking up your bags and leaving.

You the guys and Tj were at a bar downtown celebrating the new album Hate Me Tj was getting drunk you tryed to get him to come home but he didn't want to so you left leaving Tj by his self Once home Kevin Called you "dude his so drunk and now his ...

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You were walking around the venue checking out all the other bands when you stopped to get something to drink you got your drink and walked away walking over to the bus area you started walking when you heard noise coming from the back of a bus you walked around the bus it wasn't even the Etf bus it was Waterparks bus, What you saw what the worst thing in the world Robert your boyfriend of 4 years cheating on you with his ex Jess you started crying and walked away, Once back at the bus Tj saw you crying and run to the bus he ran out of the bus and stopped you "what happen Sarah"asked Tj you hugged him and both of you fell to the ground "Robert cheated on me he cheated on me with is ex Jess why me why me"you asked Tj hugged you tight "I'm so sorry Sarah I don't know why he would do that do you want to leave the tour or stay"asked Tj you looked up at Tj "leave I have to leave Tj I'm sorry could you tell Robert that were done forever and to never talk to me again please I can't look at him"you said you and Tj got up and hugged "alright I'll get a ticket for you and you pack your stuff you can stay at my house okay so don't even worry about anything"said Tj you smiled and both you and Tj hugged.

You were walking around the venue checking out all the other bands when you stopped to get something to drink you got your drink and walked away walking over to the bus area you started walking when you heard noise coming from the back of a bus yo...

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Let's be honest with each other Max would never cheat on you and you would never cheat on Max you both love each other to much to cheat or do anything to ruin your relationship.

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