-Preference's 13 -

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Today you were meeting the rest of the band and to be honest you were terrifed to meet them, You are currently getting ready when Craig knocked on your bedroom door "Babe are you ready were gonna be late hurry up"said Craig you finally put your shoes on and got your purse an walked out of the room you hugged Craig "I'm ready as I'll ever be"you said. You guys got to the restaurant Craig parked and you guys got out you guys got each other hands and started walking "why are you shaking are you okay"asked Craig he stopped walking "Yeah I'm fine just a bit scared"you said Craig hugged you "It's alright babe you'll be fine just meeting the band alright and plus you already know Max right his there"said Craig you smiled and you guys walked into the restaurant his band mates saw you guys and Kevin ran over to you and Craig, You hide behind Craig Kevin saw that and stopped "sorry to fast I know I'm just pumped to meet you Ashley"said Kevin Craig smiled and got your hand and you three when to the table you saw Max and you both hugged then you when back to Craig and you all sat down "Everyone this is my girlfriend Ashley she's a bit shy so be slow, Ashley this is Kevin Are Lead Guitarist Tj are Rythma Guitarist Robert Are Drummer and of course Max are Bass player you of course know him"said Craig you smiled and shook everyone's hands.

 You guys got to the restaurant Craig parked and you guys got out you guys got each other hands and started walking "why are you shaking are you okay"asked Craig he stopped walking "Yeah I'm fine just a bit scared"you said Craig hugged you "It's a...

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Your currently at home on the couch watching TV when Kevin came running in though the front door scaring you "hey beautiful do you want to meet my band mates"asked Kevin you smiled and looked out the front window "well since there already here sure"you said smiling "GUYS COME IN"Yelled Kevin the four guys walked in you got up fixing your hair and standing next to Kevin "Hi, Where so happy to finally meet you I'm Craig the lead singer"said Craig you guys shook hands "I'm Tj or Thomas the Rythma Guitarist It's amazing to meet you Jordan"said Tj you guys hugged you smiled "Thats Max sorry he has food in his mouth his are bass player and a idiot as you can see, I'm Robert the drummer and only real adult in the band"said Robert you smiled at Max he smiled at you and waved you waved back "Well hello everyone im sorry about the mess but I'm Jordan Kevin's girlfriend it's nice to meet ya'll"you said smiling.

Your currently at home on the couch watching TV when Kevin came running in though the front door scaring you "hey beautiful do you want to meet my band mates"asked Kevin you smiled and looked out the front window "well since there already here sur...

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"Come on babe we're gonna be late and I can't be late to the studio again this week"said Tj you walked out of the room downstairs to a waiting Tj "I'm ready and when were you late to the studio"you asked "well me and Robert were once this week cause we were stuck in traffic, Craig didn't like it"said Tj as you guys walked out of the house Tj locked the door you guys walked to the studio. Once there Tj held the door open and you walked in but stopped once you saw the guys staring at you witch made you uncomfortable you quickly grabbed his arm and held it "hey guys sorry we're late"said Tj "who's that and she's so pretty"said Kevin Max walked over to you and Tj "is that Alyssa Tj she so beautiful oh shit hi I'm Max Tjs best friend"said Max you guys hugged "Yes that is Max good job idiot"said Tj as you guys walked away "everyone this is Alyssa my girlfriend of 5 years"said Tj you waved the guys smiled and waved at you

 Once there Tj held the door open and you walked in but stopped once you saw the guys staring at you witch made you uncomfortable you quickly grabbed his arm and held it "hey guys sorry we're late"said Tj "who's that and she's so pretty"said Kevin...

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You and Robert were out walking around town when his phone when off he looked at it "oh fucking hell can't I have one day away from these guys, Sarah can you come with me to the studio or do you want to go back home cause I got to go to the studio Craig has a new song that he wants to show the whole band"said Robert "I'll go to the studio with you why not I can finally meet the band"you said you guys started walking "oh yeah you haven't met the band yet well your gonna meet them"said Robert "alright let's go lover"you said. Once at the studio you guys walked in "sorry for ruining you day with your lady but I got a new song for all of us to listen to come here, by the way I'm Craig and you must be Sarah it's nice to meet you"said Craig you smiled and you and Robert when over to Craig then the rest of the band walked in they were all hyper yelling and jumping Ever where you got scared a little "Guys calm down Sarah's here calm down your kinda scaring her"said Craig the guys looked over at you "oh sorry man"said Max "hey yours Robert's girl aren't you"asked Tj as he sat beside you Kevin and Max sat on the two chair across from you "yes hi I'm Sarah"you said as you sat up.

 Once at the studio you guys walked in "sorry for ruining you day with your lady but I got a new song for all of us to listen to come here, by the way I'm Craig and you must be Sarah it's nice to meet you"said Craig you smiled and you and Robert w...

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You are currently looking for Max though your guys big shared house you could hear him laughing "MAXWELL YOU KNOW IM GONNA FIND YOU BABE JUST GIVE UP OR YOUR GONNA LOSE 1,000 BUCKS BABE"you yelled as you walked downstairs you saw the door open it was Max's band mates they were confused you stopped running around "Hello"you said smiling "where Max"asked Craig "currently i don't know where his at but I am gonna find him"you said then you saw Max out of the corner of your eye you turned around but his was gone again "GODDAMN MAX"You yelled the band laughed. After a few more hours you finally caught Max "GOT YOU"You yelled jumping on Max's back you both fell to the floor, Once Max saw the band he got off the floor "what are you guys doing here"asked Max "well we came to ask you and Kaylee's if you guys what to join us at a barbeque but we see you guys are have the time of your live's together" said Craig "You want to join them Kaylee it will give you a chance to get to know the band"asked Max you smiled "Sure but who's who"you asked "I'm Craig That's Robert Kevin and Tj"said Craig he pointed to each member you smiled and waved

 After a few more hours you finally caught Max "GOT YOU"You yelled jumping on Max's back you both fell to the floor, Once Max saw the band he got off the floor "what are you guys doing here"asked Max "well we came to ask you and Kaylee's if you gu...

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