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It was almost nine and Britten had only gotten three hours of sleep. She felt like death warmed over. Giovanni attacked her as soon as he got home at five that morning. Now he had woke her up again to have sex with her before he headed out to the casino.

She was still lying in bed when Giovanni got out of the shower. He looked at her and gave her an agitated look. She quietly sighed and got up out of bed. She made the bed and he grabbed her wrist before she could get out of the room to go to her bathroom.

She looked at him. Today was not going to be a good day. She hated his mood swings. "Drink your health drink." That's all, she thought. Why is he being so unhinged about a damn drink? "I'll get one now," she said, and he let her go.

He watched her go to the fridge and drink the drink. She saw him staring so she smiled at him. The last thing she wanted was to get hit today. He went back in the bedroom to get dressed and she sighed. She threw the bottle away and went to her bathroom.

She stayed in the shower for over an hour hoping he would be gone by the time she got out. She dried off and towel dried her hair then headed to the bedroom. There was no sight of Giovanni, so she relaxed. She did however see a note on the bed. It said, buy a gown, we are going to a charity tonight.

She groaned then went to her closet. She walked in and looked at all the clothes. She missed wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She was told by Giovanni a long time ago that she now had money and she was to dress like she had money, not like a commoner. And that was how he put it, a commoner, like they were royal or something.

She grabbed a pair of black dress pants and a red satin, short sleeved blouse. She went through the drawers that were on the back wall and pulled out a pair of black panties and matching bra. She got dressed and slipped into a pair of black Jimmy Choo heels.

She wasn't even allowed to wear her hair wavy and it was thick and a pain to mess with. It took her forever to straighten her hair everyday then do something with it. Today she put it in a loose fishtail braid and some hair fell around her face.

She put her make-up on like always then looked at herself in the mirror. For one day she wished she could go out without make-up and her hair wavy. She wanted to look her age for once in her life. She liked wearing make-up, but she wished she could be natural every once in a while.

She sighed. She hated her life and in so many ways and wished it would end. She looked at her wrist and saw the scar from so many years ago. Did she want to do it again? It would get her out of this life. The only people who would miss her would be Constantine, Diego and her dad.

She ran her finger along the scar. It only hurts for a moment. A tear ran down her cheek. She grabbed her phone off of the dresser and texted Constantine. All she put was, dark place. Her phone dinged, and she looked at Constantine's response, Lunch now.

She grabbed a purse and put her wallet in it, then grabbed her coat. She made sure she had her keys then left to go have lunch with Constantine.

It took her five minutes to get to his apartment building. He was already outside waiting for her when she pulled up. She unlocked the car and he got in. He gave her a hug and held her for a long moment.

"What's going on beautiful?" She laid her head on his shoulder as best as she could. "Thinking death would be a good way out." He pulled away from her and gave her a worried look. He pushed some hair behind her ear and cupped the side of her face.

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