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Britten woke up early Saturday morning. She was tired, but she knew Giovanni wasn't going to let her lay there too long. Her face was a little puffy from him hitting her last night but at least he had only hit her that one time.

She started cleaning the apartment while he sat on the couch looking through the account logs for the Under Ground. He was trying to figure out Britten's accounting system. She started in her bathroom then moved out to the bedroom. Even though it hadn't been touched it still needed to be dusted and she knew she was going to have to run the vacuum so Giovanni wouldn't bitch at her.

She made her way to the kitchen next. "Your drink," he said never looking up from the papers. She opened the fridge and grabbed one of the drinks out. "I'm almost out."

"I'll get you more." She drank the drink then went back to scrubbing the kitchen.

"What the hell am I looking at?" She stopped and went over to him. She sat down next to him and looked at what he was looking at. He pointed to some numbers. "Oh, that's the under the table money we pay out each month."

"Why so much?"

"Would you want to clean a bathroom for free?" He looked at her and she smiled. "Yeah, okay. What's this?" She looked at it. She had no idea, it was something Casper had plugged in. "That's Casper's writing. I have no idea what it is."

"That asshole walked off with thirty grand?" Britten shrugged. "He has been doing a lot of coke lately." Giovanni sighed and put the papers down. "Grandfather or Greco?" He was wanting to know who he should talk to about Casper. "Nico."

He pulled his phone and she got up. She knew better than to listen in on a conversation. Giovanni noticed a text from Myles. He opened it up. He was asking if he and Britten would like to have lunch with him and Chase.

He thought about it for a long moment. He was curious because he wasn't sure if he believed the relationship or not. He texted back, Sure one o'clock at Basil's. He then called his grandfather. "We're going to lunch at one," he said then started talking to his grandfather. Britten stared for a moment then went back to cleaning.

Britten made her way to the bedroom and started stripping the blanket and sheets. She went to her closet and grabbed a new set and bumped into Giovanni when she turned around. "I have to take the paperwork over to grandfather. Basil's at one, we are having lunch with Myles and his boyfriend. I will meet all of you there. Order for me." She nodded and he walked off.

Britten was done cleaning by noon so she went to get ready for lunch. She wasn't exactly sure what to wear. She knew Giovanni would want her to look extra nice so that way he could show her off. She remembered that Giovanni was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a tight black dress shirt with contrasting black diamond shapes.

She decided to do her hair first. She put her hair in a ponytail then wrapped some of it like a bun. The rest that was hanging out of the middle of it she put into curls. She put her make-up on then went into her closet to look around.

She found a black satin skirt that flared a little and a deep blood red, tight fitting, dress shirt with sheer sleeves. She slipped into a pair of black heels and put on a three inch black belt. She dug through her jewelry and found a silver necklace with a heart charm made out of red diamonds. She found a matching silver bracelet and silver earrings.

She looked at her phone to check the time and saw that it was almost one. "Shit." She rushed and grabbed her coat, made sure her wallet and keys were in it then took off out the door.

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