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It was three in the morning when she woke up. Orion was curled up to her and Biscuit was in her face, panting. Her stomach growled and Biscuit tried to lick her when she tried to sit up. Orion groaned and rolled over.

She eased out of bed and Biscuit tried to jump up on her. She stopped him from doing it and petted his head. He followed her out to the kitchen and she spotted some biscuits on the counter. She grabbed two and a glass of water and went out to the back porch where there was a hanging swing.

She gave the dog one of the biscuits and ate one for herself. She drunk half of the water and curled up on the swing, She could see stars for miles in the night sky. She was used to quite a few, but nothing like this. She stared up at the moon for a while but eventually her eyes got heavy and she fell asleep.

Orion woke up around six and saw Britten was already gone so he got dressed and went to look for her. His grandmother was already in the kitchen making breakfast and his grandfather was at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. "Mornin'," he said and gave his grandmother a kiss on the cheek and patted his grandfather on the back.

He looked out the backdoor and saw Tallen sitting on the porch in front of the swing looking at Britten sleeping. He went out there too her and squatted down next to her. "What'cha doin'?"

"Watching her sleep."


"She talks in her sleep."

"Oh really, and what is she saying?" She looked at him and smiled. "Your name." He kissed her forehead and looked back at Britten. She looked so peaceful he didn't want to bother her so he just left her there and went back in the house.

He sat down next to his grandfather and they started talking about what needed to be done around the farm. His grandmother started setting the table and Tallen came running in the kitchen. "Orion?"

"Tallen, me and gramps are talkin'."

"But Orion."

He turned in his chair and looked at her. "What?"

"Who's Gio?" He jumped up but before he could even get to the door Britten let out a blood curdling scream and tried to get up out of the swing but fell to the porch and got hit with the swing. His grandmother dropped the dish she was holding and Tallen ran behind the island holding her ears. His grandfather jumped up and his mother came running into the kitchen.

Orion ran out the door to her and sat on the porch. He pulled her into his lap and tried to get her calmed down because she was panting so hard. "Shhh." He slowly rocked her back and forth and everyone peeked out the back door at them. "She okay?" He nodded and they all went back into the kitchen.

She eventually calmed down but buried her face in his chest. The dream felt so real. She felt like she was fighting Giovanni all over again. He was on top of her getting ready to choke her when she woke up screaming.

She eventually looked up at Orion and he kissed her forehead. "Safe place," she said and he nodded. "Very safe place." She sat up in his lap and he brushed some hair out of her face. Biscuit came up to them and she rubbed his head. Orion told him to sit and he just stood there. Britten said, "Sit," and he sat. "What the hell," Orion said and Britten laughed.

"Why is his name Biscuit?" Orion laughed and petted the dogs head. "Because he won't stay out of grams biscuits." Britten laughed and he kissed her cheek. "Better?" She nodded and he helped her up and got up himself.

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