Xisuma does a bad

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Minor tw for kidnapping and forced possession!!


Stress honestly felt really worried.

Xisuma hadn't been okay the other day, and nothing she nor Doc could do would fix it. Whatever it was had subsided on its own eventually, but Stress was scared that it would come back.

Whatever it was, it had left Xisuma weakened as well. Doc had agreed to help her confine their leader to his base, although Stress doubted that the weird condition Xisuma had gone through yesterday would stop doing anything because of house arrest. Stress was holding onto that one little bit of hope that it would leave Xisuma alone though.

She couldn't help herself. She desperately wanted him to be okay.

Grian had seemed pretty worried too, when Cleo and False had talked Stress into checking up on Mumbo and Grian for them.

She wasn't sure as to why Grian was worried though. Sure, Xisuma was one of Grian's friends (like everyone else on the server was) but the amount of worry Grian was expressing for Xisuma was closer to someone fretting over a married partner who's late home. As far as Stress (and everyone else) was aware, Grian and Xisuma were not a married couple.

Cleo apparantly thought otherwise, the zombie wiggling her eyebrows when Stress had shared her thoughts on the situation, the three girls meeting up for their fornightly 'girls night'.

But honestly? Who knew at this point?

Since Grian had landed in the server after some unspecified event of his, things had been off. Amongst the good things (a giant game of tag, a masked vigilante named Poultry Man who Grian swore wasn't him, the prank levels and chicken populations had risen, everything), there were also a few bad things that Stress couldn't help but feel upset with whenever she thought of them.

There was this really thick tension in the air that reached everywhere, from Mumbo's hole in the ground to the tops of Grian's in construction tower. Stress could constantly feel eyes on her, and things would move behind her back. Things would be sitting on a counter, and the moment Stress turned around, they would have moved.

Something was awfully wrong, and Stress hated.

Stress also hated having to leave False and Cleo on their own after Xisuma sent her a private message via the communicator.

<Xisuma> hey stress, could you come to mine? my head feels funny and i think im going to have another episode

That didn't sound good.

When Stress explained everything to False and Cleo, they seemed to understand.

"Hey, it's alright." Cleo said, smiling. "Just make sure you're back before midnight." Cleo winked, making all three of the girls burst into laughter.

"I'll try!" Stress said, before standing up. She picked up her inventory, made sure she had her communicator, and left False's base.


Stress was quick to get to Xisuma, shooting him a message to tell him she was there. Strangely enough, he didn't respond, although Stress doubted that there was much behind that. Why would Xisuma bother to message her when she was at his base?

She politely dropped her healing-supply full inventory by the door, her communicator in her pocket, before she walked into his base.


Her first thoughts were that it was dark and cold.

It wasn't just a normal cold either. It was a seep-into-your-bones type of cold, that made Stress shiver.

Stress felt cold, and she was supposed to be the self proclaimed Ice Queen!

The darkness was almost suffocating too. It was thick and Stress could barely see her hands in front of her face, the Hermot trying to find Xisuma's room by feeling along the walls and her prior knowledge of his base.

She shivered once more, before grinning triumphantly. There was a doorway, and it looked almost promising!

When she entered, it was certainly brighter. The darkness wasn't as thick or heavy, and Stress could actually see her hands in front of her face for once. She paused, looking around to try and adjust herself to the darkness.

The cold was just as bone chilling as it was in the rest of the base, but Stress had to feel glad for the lesser amount of darkness here.

Surely nothing bad was happening here, right?

Stress was very wrong.

Xisuma was sitting on his bed, Stress able to see him through the darkness. He was shivering, and he looked absolutely terrified.

Stress could see a dark, formless shape on the bed in front of him, the two seemingly conversing.

Then the formless blog vanished and Xisuma started screaming and Stress just panicked. She wanted to go and get her inventory, but it was somewhere behind the blinding darkness in the rest of Xisuma's base.

The issue was that Xisuma was hurt and something was wrong and then it stopped.

Xisuma went still.

According to the communicator, Xisuma hadn't died, and Stress could see him in front of her, but the atmosphere had shifted.

It seemed colder than before, if possible, and when Xisuma stood and got out of bed stiffly, he seemed almost robotic.

Not normal, to say the least.

"Xisuma?" Stress  called his name, although he didn't respond. he walked closer to her, and Stress felt scared, fear building up.

"StressMonster. I've been waiting for you." Xisuma said, except it wasn't Xisuma.

This wasn't her friend.

"What did you do to Xisuma?" She asked, and the thing wearing her friend's skin just laughed.

He took off his helmet and Stress stared into Xisuma's eyes.

The blue iris was glowing brighter in the dark, and the whites of Xisuma's eyes had gone a rich shade of black that scared Stress.

His grin was unnatural and Stress was sure that Xisuma's teeth had gotten sharper in the few seconds they'd been communicating.

Then Not Xisuma held onto her wrist and pulled her close.

"You won't feel a thing. I promise."

The last thing she remembered was a pain in the back of her head, and the clatter of her communicator hitting the floor.


a/n: Clarification for the inventory thing, since that was probably confusing; in an au where they exist in minecraft, I picture the inventories being some sort of bag. It differs for each player/hermit, but that's what carries everything. Stress has a purse with a longer strap so it slings around her shoulders. Xisuma has a backpack, Grian has a satchel, etc.

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