this is gonna be fun

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He was running. 

Grian was running, and his lungs ached and his legs hurt, but he ran anyways. 

He'd finally escaped Heidi after all, and he was going to take the chance to escape while he could. 

See, Rowan and Heidi and Kady had been holding their monthly meeting. Grian had, once again, been pressed up against Xisuma's side, clinging onto the admin. Stress had been nearby, although Grian had barely payed attention to her. 

Xisuma, being the only comfort he'd had since Heidi appeared, had helped calm and anchor Grian. That was when he'd spotted an exit. They'd been in his original infinity room, and Rowan had stupidly left them near the exit. Grian had made a run for it while they weren't looking while Xisuma and Stress promised to cover for him if they realised. 

Grian wasn't sure how long he'd been running, but he'd not stopped since he'd left his base. He didn't want Xisuma and Stress' efforts to go to waste. 

Grian wasn't sure where he was now. Spruce trees surrounded him from eery angle, and it was starting to get dark. 

He thankfully had his inventory with him, and therefore had food, torches and weapons (Grian had made sure to grab it before he left) but aside from that, Grian was ;eft without much else. 

Including a bed. 


Not trusting Heidi to have slept recently, Grian felt comfort in the familiar weight of his pickaxe, sing it to hollow out a small area in a nearby hill. He crafted a furnace and started to smelt for some charcoal, setting up a campfire outside of his hole. 

He could put it out tomorrow. For now, he needed warmth and sleep. 

He could continue to flee in the morning. 

Sitting down by the campfire, Grian pulled out his communicator, opening the group chat. He knew that if Heidi or Rowan or Kady caught him, he'd be in trouble, but he felt obligated to try and warm his friends. 

<Grian> dont trust x or stress. they arent who they say they are anymore.

The moment he pressed send, Grian felt a shift in the air. A chill ran down his spine, and Grian wasn't sure what for. He opened his communicator, checking over it. 

There were a lot of confused messages. 

<Tango> Grian? What does that mean?

<Zedaph> ???

<Impulsesv> why wouldnt they be themselves? 

Mumbo had even shot him a private message. 

<MumboJumbo> this is grian right? 

<MumboJumbo> not heidi?

<Grian> yeah, this is he

<Grian> i've run off. i escaped. heidi is left without a "host", and i'm a free man

<Grian> for now

<MumboJumbo> good. stay safe for me, g

<Grian> You too, Mumby

Closing his communicator, Grian scanned the dark sky, no spotting any phantoms. 

Maybe Heidi was better at taking care of him than he was good at it. 

Grian smiled though. He was safe, and away from Heidi. 

He just hoped that Xisuma was okay. (And the others, but mainly Xisuma.)


Grian woke to find that he was no longer by his campfire. 

He was in a bed, blankets comfortably wrapped around him. There was a card with writing next to him on a table, grian leaning over to pick it up nce he'd woken up properly. He stretched out his wings as he opened the card, skimming a short and concerned message which questioned why Grian was asleep, nxxt to a burning fire, half covered in snow. 

There was no signature to the card though, much to Grian's dissapointment. 

He wanted to know who'd saved him from frostbite! 

Luckily, his answer came quickly. 

He could hear oddly familiar voices from outside the door of the room, one seemingly scolding or covincing the other to do something. 

Then they walked in, and Grian had to do a double take of who he was looking at. 


The other sighed, shaking his head. "No, that's my brother. I'm Xerexis, although you may know of me as Evil Xisuma, the 'evil' twin." 

That explained the red ersion of Xisuma's normal outfit, and why this person has red eyes and white hair compared to Xisuma's brown hair and blue eyes. 

Then the other person bounced into the room, and Grian had to do another double take. 


It was NPC Grian. 

This should be fun. 

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