And then there was one

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False was stressed about Stress. (Pun intended)

The two girls had reasonably been worried for Stress when Stress hadn't come back to False's after she'd gone to help Xisuma, which was reasonable. The server admin was sick with something by the looks of it, and False respected Strerss and Doc's dedication to helping Xisuma get better.

What had made Cleo and False worry was when Stress hadn't appeared, nor spoken to them afterwards. According to the others, Stress hadn't been seen since. Ren and Jevin had either vanished or isolated themselves from the other hermits as well, which hadn't eased False's worry.

Had something happened to Stress? To Jevin? To Ren?

False hoped not.

Back on track.

False had been flying around with Cleo, the two trying to scout out where their missing friends could have been. Ren's base was empty as was Jevins. Stress' base had been untouched since the night Stress had gone missing on, and none of the three locations held any sort of clues.

When False had (probably rudely) barged into Xisuma's living quarters and asked him about Stress, Xisuma had reported that Stress had never been there.

He also said that he'd never called for Stress' help, and had been asleep for most of the night, which confused the hell out of False because Stress had told them that she needed to help Xisuma since he'd called for her. Xisuma had even brought up the logs, the green hologram projecting from his comunicator, proving his point.

Was Stress up to something bad?

False hoped not.

She gave Xisuma a smile, apologised, and left his space, feeling slightly guilty. She needed to find her friends though, and she was willing to inspect every possible space to find any clues.


It was False's meeting up with Cleo to regather themselves that False watched Cleo get taken.

She could have stopped it, but when Xisuma had ambushed the two girls and stabbed a tipped arrow of some kind in the side of Cleo's neck, a threatening look is his eyes that False now realised were discoloured and glowing, False had been to stunned to do anything.

Her sword had hung uselessly in her limp hand, and her feet had felt too heavy to move properly. Cleo's eyes had ben filled with fear and Cleo looked like she'd been screaming but Xisuma had his hand over Cleo's mouth and False had stupidly watched as the tipped arrow took effect.

Cleo had fallen unconscious, and Xisuma had simply grinned at False before he threw a potion at False, hotting her im the chest. It burned at her skin and False had stumbled back, shrieking in pain. Poison, she realised, the potion continuing to burn at her skin.

When the potion stopped working, False realised that Xisuma was gone.

And he'd taken Cleo with him.


False hadn't wanted to believe that Xisuma had kidnapped Cleo.

Why would she? Xisuma was the trusted admin of the server. He was supposed to be their friend, and make sure their world ran smoothly.

He wasn't supposed to kidnap one of False's friends!

What could False really do though? There wasn't much that she could do. Especially since the admin was the bad guy here, and he had powers that not even False and her weaponry could fight against. Not now, not ever, really.

What was even worse, False realised, is that she couldn't tell anyone. Xisuma would find out eventually, and then he'd probably ban False. False was arguably the strongest on the server and the best pvper, so if she was foced out of HermitCraft, who'd be able to protect her friends from Xisuma?

False needed to bide her time and wait.

She needed to protect everyone from Xisuma, after all.

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