It's all a lie

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"See you later?" Scar grinned at Cub, who smiled at Scar.

Somewhat tensley, mind you.

"See you later, Scar." Cub took off using his elytra, in some sort of a hurry, and Scar smiled. They'd had a rather productive day, and Scar had made some diamonds via his share of Concorp.

Cub had been acting off all day, and had oddly spent as much time away from Scar as possible, but it couldn't mean anything.

Could it?

Either way, nothing could really ruin his day now, especially since he had scheduled lunch with Stress. He hadn't spoken to her in a while, and she was his friend, so he!d found nothing out of the ordinary when she'd approached him a couple of days ago and asked him if he'd like to go for lunch with her.

He'd of course, eagerly accepted, happy to spend some time with her again, and had gone on with his day.

Quickly making his way over to Stress' base, via the newly finished Nether Hub, Scar shivered upon reaching Stress' base. It was cold and in an icy biome; what do you expect from Scar? He lived on an island with a volcano in a warm biome.

The cold wasn't his thing.

Either way, Scar decided to try and deal with the cold, walking into Stress' base.

The large fortress was almost comforting, aside from the cold that radiated from the walls, Scar shivering slightly as he walked through Stress' base. He was looking for where Stress herself might be, although he had no clues to where.

The good news for Scar, was that Stress entered the area he was in, her eyes bright.

"Shopping district?" She offered, and Scar nodded. As much as he knew that the cold was Stress' domain, and she probably loved it here, he was personally not much of a fan, and was ready to leave.

Stress took the lead, Scar following close behind her as they went to the shopping district via Grian's nether portal and the nether hub.

For whatever reason, the smell of blood was thick in Grian's base, and there was a thick, foggy texture to the air, which unnervered Scar. How was Grian able to live in this?

On that note, how was Stress able to move so effortlessly through Grian's base, and guide Scar while she was at it? He was almost gasping for breath, yet she was there, able to guide him through and out into the open air of Mumbo's territory, Scar trying to regain himself.

Whatever that fog was, it had made him feel lightheaded and breathless and he really didn't like it.

Sitting on one of Mumbo's islands, Stress soothingly sat with Scar, Scar still trying to get his breath back. This felt like how an asthma attack was described, with the shortness of breath and not working lungs.

Or something like that.


Fortunately for Scar, Stress had offered him a potion (what potion it was, he didn't know. It had a really bitter taste, a thick and gluggy texture, and a weird colour that Scar had never seen before) which had cured whatever lasting effects the fog thing had done to him, since the effects hadn't been going away on their own.

Kinda like milk and normal potion effects.

Either way, the strange potion had done wonders for his breathing, despite his mind feeling slightly foggy.

Scar and Stress were now wandering through the Shopping district, going past the different shops. The pickle shop, the multitude of rocket shops, all sorts of different shops, the two walked past.

"Did you hear what Cub did the other day?" Stress asked out of the blue.

Scar gave Stress a surprised look. He wasn't aware of Cub doing anything behind his back recently.

"No, I haven't." He said, and Stress' face almost lit up at that news.

"Well, False told me that Joe told her that Cub was the one behind Jevin's vanishing, and is holding both Jevin and Cleo somewhere."

Well that stunned Scar.

He stopped walking momentarily, staring at her with surprise.

Was that why Cub had been avoiding Scar all day?

"Where did Joe find that out?" Scar finally had a coherent thought that he could translate into an an answer for Stress, her brown eyes gleaming slightly as he asked her.

"False told me that he told her that he'd seen Cleo out in the new minigame district. She apparantly told him that she was running from Cub, and that Jevin wasn't able to escape. Joe tried to help her, but a tipped arrow was shot at her, she fell unconcious, and Joe would have been taken too if he hadn't fled." Stress explained.

For whatever reason (possibly his potion effected, foggy mind), Scar was quick to believe her, and he felt a stab of betrayal. Cub was his buisness partner, and his friend! How could Cub do something like this to Scar?

How could Cub do something like this to Cleo and Jevin, and then act like nothing had happened?

Without another word to Stress, Scar stumbled off, trying to regather his thoughts again.

This was the worst news he could possibly recive at this point in time.

In his hurry to leave, Scar completely missed Stress' 'normal' eyes go black, and a devious grin cross her face.

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