Xisuma's in trouble now

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His heart was pounding as he watched Grian flee through the white wall of the infinity room, the purple wings and comforting red sweater that Grian wore now vanishing.

The spot beside Xisuma where Grian usually rested, his wings and arms wrapped around Xisuma was now cold, and Xisuma could feel the emptiness amd the fear start to set in. Stress snuggled into Xisuma's other side, the admin able to feel her shaking. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, leaning into her.

They would get through this.

Grian would tell everyone what was happening via communicator, and Rowan and the others would be defeated, and then everything would be okay. They could move onto season 7 without a care in the world.

Of course, nothing was that simple. But Xisuma could hope, couldn't he?


"Where's my host?"

Xisuma looked up, his eyes shooting open when he heard Heidi speak. Fear clenched at him, holding him tightly. His breathing became slightly strained, as if someone were closing a fist around his throat, and Xisuma couldn't help but start ahaking.

Heidi scared him more than Rowan did, if he were completely honest. At least Rowan's wants he could vaguely understand. Heidi on the other hand, was Grian if his want for destruction and chaos was multiplied by ten, added to Xerexis' want for destruction and then compacted into something small, ready to burst.

And that scared Xisuma.

"Where is my host, Xisuma?" Heidi flew at Xisuma, landing on his arm. Her claws felt like burning metal pressing against his bare arm, and her white eyes were staring into Xisuma's soul.

"I don't know." Xisuma said, not lying. He didn't know where Grian was. All he knew was that Grian was away from here, and away from Heidi.

Heidi wrenched her claws further into Xisuma's arm, and while she left no physical injury, it felt,like his arm was burning, and Xisuma found it difficult to concentrate while his arm felt like it was being held in an open fire.

"We'll find him, Heidi. And when we do, he'll be punished accordingly. Until then, fly around and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Keep an eye on Mumbo Jumbo and Doc Monster, and make sure Iskall85 stays in their enclosure until we need them." Rowan interrupted, making Heidi huff.

She fluttered off, sitting on the ground nearby while Rowan stared at Xisuma.

"Kady, take Stress Monster and go. Heidi, start your new duties. I'll deal with Xisuma Void, and find out what he might know about Grian's disappearance.

Then the others were gone, and Xisuma was left alone with Rowan.

Who looked angry.

Xisuma was screwed.

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